a v o c a d o

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(I am surprised when one of my internet friend asked me what an avocado is)

“Can you buy me an avocado?” Meredith asked her intern, who looked confused. “Ahm, Dr. Grey, what's an avocado?” The intern asked, Meredith gasped while looking at the intern.

“Nothing, nothing,” she said and sighed. “You are with Dr. Sloan today,” she said and the intern excuse herself.

“Meredith hi! Do you wanna try this avocado sha---” Arizona isn't yet finished when Meredith took the shake and drink it. “Oh.. You want it, how was it?” Arizona asked, Meredith hummed and smiled. “It's delicious, can I have one more?” Meredith asked, Arizona looked at the blonde, “Oh, the last one was taken by Dr. Montgomery,” Arizona said and Meredith sighed.

“It's delicious, I love it,” Meredith said and Addison was walking towards them, handling the avocado. “There she is!” Arizona said and Addison smiled at the two. Callie was also with her, she kissed Arizona's cheeks. “What's wrong?” Addison asked and looked at Arizona. “You took the last Avocado shake, Meredith said she wants it,” Arizona said.

Addison looked at Meredith, who was busy looking at the shake. The redhead chuckles and gave Meredith the shake. “You can have mine, Dr. Grey,” she said. Callie and Arizona looked at each other. Meredith smiled widely, “Really?” the blonde asked, the redhead nodded and Meredith took the shake.

“Thank you, Dr. Montgomery,” Meredith said and happily drink the shake. “Wow, Dr. Grey looked so happy with her shake,” Callie said. Arizona smiled, “She loved the shake,” Meredith stopped from drinking, “Wait.. Did you gave Lexie a shake like this?” she asked.

Arizona nodded her head. Meredith's eyes widened, “Omygosh, where did you last saw her?” The couple was confused but Addison gasped. “Lexie was allergic to avocado!” she hissed. Callie and Arizona looked confused on why do Addison knew that.

Meredith and Addison ran on different direction, same as Callie and Arizona.

Addison took the stairs, she gasped when she saw Lexie on the floor.

She paged Meredith, Callie and Arizona and told them that she has Lexie. She scooped Lexie and walked up to the stairs.

The door opened and Mark's eyes widened, “What happened with Little Grey?” he asked. Addison was still walking, carrying Lexie on her arms when she saw Meredith, “I found her on the stairs,” she said and put Lexie on a free room.

“She's allergic to Avocado,” Meredith said and sobbed. “T-the last time.. I c-cooked her that s-she a-ate it t-though s-she had allergy o-on it,” she was stuttering. Addison hugged the blonde, which made Mark to be confused.

Callie and Arizona was running and stopped to breath when they saw Meredith and Addison.

“Is she okay? Where is Lexie? Mygosh this is my fault,” Arizona starts to panic, Callie held her hand. “It wasn't your fault, Addison saw her on the floor down the stairs,” Mark said, but still looking at Meredith who was crying on the redhead's arms.

“I-I'm s-sorry,” Meredith whispered, Addison shook her head and cupped the blonde's cheeks. “It wasn't your fault,” the redhead said and wiped the tears of Meredith.

“You two are dating,” Mark said, Callie and Arizona was just silently looking. Addison sighed and looked at Meredith, who nodded her head.

“We are together for almost a year now, she's carrying our baby,” Mark's jaw dropped while Callie's eyes widened, and Arizona's face brightens.

“The milkshake that you bought to Bailey..” Callie trailed. Addison nodded her head.

“The fries wasn't really yours..” Mark trailed, Meredith nodded her head.

“The avocado shake..” Arizona said. The blonde and the redhead nodded their head.

Addison smiled, “She's craving for it,” the three smiled at them. The Doctor who was observing on Lexie said that the young intern was okay, she just need to rest.

Meredith and Addison went inside the room, Lexie's face and body are full of red marks. “I am s-so scared,” Meredith said and hold Lexie's hand..

“She is still your sister, Mer. No matter how hard you say you don't care about her,” Addison said and hold the blonde's shoulder.

“I a-am fine,” Lexie said with a weak smile. Meredith smiled and nodded her head.

“I-I'm sorry,” Meredith said, Lexie shook her head. “It's m-my fault, I h-heard you want some a-avocado t-then I s-saw Dr. Robbins and t-took one. I w-was walking to the stairs and I j-just took a sip t-then everything was i-itchy and my visions get black,” Meredith can't help her tears to stop from falling. Lexie wants to give her her craving food and this happened.

“Don't blame yourself,” Lexie and Addison said in unison, Meredith wiped her tears. “I'm dating Addison,” Meredith said, Lexie smirked a bit. “I know, she's sneaking in our house every 2 am,” the young intern said making Addison and Meredith to blush.

“Take some rest, Little Grey,” Addison said and smirked, making Lexie to blushed. “She's dating Mark,” Addison said, Meredith's eyes widened.

“Oh please, I need some rest,” Lexie said and closed her eyes. Meredith chuckles, “So, Dr. Sloan is the one sneaking out last week huh?” Lexie blushed even though her eyes was closed.

“Let's just leave that, but if Mark will going to hurt her, I will throw him out the Seattle Grace,” Addison said, Meredith chuckles.

“Thanks, Dr. Montgomery,” Lexie said and smiled. Addison was the first to go out the room because she was paged. Meredith stayed for a while, “I am pregnant,” she blurted out making Lexie to choke up.

“What?” Lexie asked, clearly confused. “IVF,” Meredith said and grins, Lexie smiled. “You are happy. Oh that's why you are glowing too,” Lexie said. Meredith shrugged her shoulder.

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