E g g o r c h i c k e N

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“What comes first? Egg or chicken?” Addison scoffed while rereading the question again. She looked up at Izzie.

“What? Just answer it, Dr. Montgomery. We just need the funds not the highest scorer,” Izzie said.

Meredith laughed so hard when she saw the question also, “Of course the egg!” The blonde said.

“Nope, baby. Chicken,” Addison said and smirked.

Meredith smirked also, “How will the chicken be on earth if it doesn't came out on the egg?” She asked.

Addison laughed hard, “Who will lay the egg if there's no chicken?” She countered.

“AAAAH! STOP! JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION SO I WILL GET GOING TO OTHER SURGEONS HERE!” Izzie suddenly said, Addison and Meredith laughs, making the tall blonde to roll her eyes.

Izzie left after collecting their papers. Addison beams Meredith's shoulder, “I'm right, Chicken first!” She insist. Meredith roll her eyes playfully, “No, Egg first,” She said.

They both glare at each other, then Addison suddenly smirked dangerously on the blonde.

“What are you thinking about?” Meredith asked. Addison step forwards and licks her lip sexily.

“Why don't we test that science theory?” Addison said.

“Wait what?” Meredith asked.

Addison suddenly tugged the hand of the blonde and walked towards the nearest supply room.

Meredith's eyes widened, “Addie..” She moaned when Addison chuckles before pushing Meredith inside the supply room. Meredith swallowed hard when Addison came inside also.

Addison locked the door, she starts to strip her doctor's gown.

“Let's see, who COMES first. You will be the egg and I will be the chicken,” Addison said and attacked the blonde's lips.

Meredith's eyes widened when she realize what Addison meant.

‘Who comes first, Egg or Chicken?’

*.* how are y'all? T.T

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