I s s u e

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Meredith sighed as she reads the chart. Teddy and Arizona looked at her.

"Should we page.. Dr. Montgomery?" Teddy whispered.

Arizona nodded her head and page Addison, who came running because Arizona paged her '911 Meredith Grey'

Meredith's face suddenly lit up when she saw Addison. She leave the chart and open her arms. But Addison came running, she put the back of her hand on Meredith's forehead.

Addison sighed as relief, she face Arizona and Teddy, who are looking at other direction. She shake her head and chuckles.

"She sighed 39 times," Teddy said and left with Arizona. Addison was just looking at them. She chuckles and face Meredith.

"They page me and said 911, Meredith," Addison explained on her so confused girlfriend. She sighed and hugged the blonde.

"Are you busy when they page you?" Meredith asked, bothered that Addison came running for her, instead of taking care of her patient.

Addison seemed to know what Meredith was thinking, without any hesitation, she kissed the blonde's lips.

"You are my top priority," She said, Meredith suddenly blush.

"So, I have a problem," Meredith said. Addison pull away on the hug and stare at Meredith, listening carefully on her.

"What's the problem?" She asked. Meredith sighed, "Actually.. Its more like an issue?" She said, this didn't help Addison, she gets more anxious on what Meredith is facing

"Mer... Please, j-just tell me.." Addison pleads. Meredith purse her lips, "I m'ISSUE," She said and bit her lower lip as pink tint scattered on her pale cheeks.

Addison chuckles and hugged the blonde, "Sometimes.. I really wanna know where are you getting those witty words," She said and kissed the blonde's cheeks.

Meredith shrugged her shoulder, "You love my witty words," She said smugly, then smirked.

Addison rolled her eyes, "I love you more than your witty I don't know what you call those things," She said and dragged her girl to the cafeteria.

Prompts from: Annv0205
If u have kinky or witty prompts, just request them on the comment section. <33
Have a great day everyone<3

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