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"Stop that grin," Meredith said as she threw the piece of Cheerios on Cristina.

"Dude, you are blind if you don't see it," Alex said, earning a Cheerios too, but he catch it and eat it.

"That's so impossible," Meredith said and frowned, trying to hide her smile.

"What't happening here?" George asked as he get handful of Cheerios on Meredith.

"Dr. Montgomery had a crush on Meredith," Alex said.

"That's impossible," George said and eat one piece of Cheerios.

"See!" Meredith said and nudges George's shoulder.

Cristina looked at her, "Bambi is so innocent, but you are not, of course she do!" she frustratedly said.

"Yeah, she do," Alex agreed.

"Yes, I do," Addison said.

"See! Even Addison was agreeing on us," Cristina said and nudges on Addison's shoulder.

They all froze when they look at Addison.

George choke up.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, Dr. Montgomery," Cristina said.

Addison smiled at her and nod her head, "Yes, I do like your person, but I need you now, we need to deliver babies, you are at my service, and Grey, tonight at your favorite restaurant," she said and left.

Alex was grinning when he saw Meredith's jaw dropped on the floor.

"Guess someone's getting laid tonight," Cristina teased.


Cristina immediately follows the attending.

"Wait... So, you have feelings for her too?" George asked.

"Oh George," Meredith said and chuckles softly, blushing slightly.

"Oh god, I have sex with a lesbian," George said as he eat the remaining Cheerios on his hand.

"Bisexual, Bambi," Meredith said and gave him the pack of Cheerios and left to see Mark, her attending for the day.

Alex chuckles, "You are bisexual too," he teased.

"Oh shut up," George said and blushed deeply as he went out to see Callie, her attending for the day.

Alex tap the side of the bunk bed, Izzie's head popped up, "Are they gone?" she asked before sitting down and putting her bra and scrubs on.

"What a morning," Alex said and grins, earning a slap on his arm on Izzie, who's blushing.

"Oh shut it," Stevens said and kissed his lips before leaving.

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