A n n i v e r s a r y O f U s

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Inspired by Anniversary of Bluewanderer :)

I'm leaving you, please don't hate me- Addie

Meredith stared at the letter in front of her. Her heart was breaking into pieces, she turned around and place the letter on the same spot she saw it.

Addison was fresh from the bath while her body was wrapped on the towel, the water was running down her body. Her eyes are puffed. A sign that she cried.

"Happy Anniversary," Meredith said and smiled widely, and fakely(a bit). She saw how Addison froze a bit, before smiling widely. She walk towards her and hugged her.

At the corner of her eyes, she saw how Addie get the note and crumpled it and throw it on the trash bin.

It was too late, Addie...

"H-happy Anniversary!" Addison said and kissed her cheek.

"You looked... Surprised, did you forgot about it?" Meredith asked.

Addison looked away before answering, "No, how will I forget?" she asked and get her clothes.

"I reserve us-" she stopped when she looked up and Meredith was staring intently at her.

"I want to stay," Meredith said, "I got take outs," the blonde said and points the boxes on the table.

Addison smiled, "You don't have to baby, but s-sure, let's eat?" she asked.

A nod is the only respond that Meredith gave her.

Something is wrong..

Addison was stealing glances at Meredith as they eat silently.

She is used to that the blonde was bubbly and was talking about her day.

She gulped a bit, "You okay babe?" Addison asked softly.

Meredith just nod her head before putting the box beside.

They both relax a bit before Meredith asked her to go with her.

Addison just nod her head and go with where Meredith is taking her.

Meredith pushed her down the bed, her towel fell on the floor.

Her eyes widened when Meredith stripped her clothes.

"You are mine," Meredith said and crawled above her.

Addison bit her lower lip, she closed her eyes, "God... How will I leave her, I can't..." she thought.

She moans softly when Meredith leaned and kissed her lips, "Make love with me... Please," Meredith begs.

Addison opened her eyes, "Kiss me," She said.

She turned them around, making Meredith to lay on the bed and starts making out and slowly making love.

After they do those things, Addison fell asleep..

Meredith stare at her, "I left Derek for you and all you will do is this?" she bitterly asked.

Addison woke up and try to tap her side to hug the blonde, but she jolted up when she felt nothingness..

A shiver went down her spine when she was greeted a very silent environment.

"Mer?" She asked. Standing up as she walk towards the door and outside.

"Meredith?" Addison asked again. Looking around.

She stopped when she saw a big Teddy Bear beside the entrance door with a note on it.

Her jaw dropped as her tears fall her eyes when she read the notes, "I'm leaving you, please don't hate me- Mer," she looked at the Teddy bear and hugged it tight before sobbing so hard.

"Ellis Grey, mother of Meredith Grey," Addison's eyes widened when Ellis was standing in front of her.

"Yes... I am the one who killed your father," she said and smirked.

Addison clenched her jaw, "How dare you go here?" she asked.

"If you are using her to hurt me, you are wrong, I never want her in my life, I never loved her," Ellis said.

"I never knew that Meredith was right, you are so heartless, ans I'm not here because I'm seeking revenge, I love your daughter," Addison said.

Ellis smirked, "I can kill her too if you won't going to leave her," she said and left.

Addison left dumbfounded.

She needs to leave.. for the sake of Meredith..

A/n: Hi, I won't be able to update for months, something happened and I really need to focus on my life right now. I won't be able to upload things. I hope you all will be fine and spread the love always ✨

Okay, that's so messed up, I freaking posted the first draft 😌😭

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