C o m i n g O u t O n A C a k e

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"Can you help me? Please?" Ellis asked her sister Zola. She hugged her and looked at her with her puppy eyes. Zola sighed and kissed Ellis' forehead, "Did I ever say no to that face?" She asked, Ellis smile widely as she hugged her sister tight.

"You are the best sister in the world!" Ellis screamed, they both froze when Meredith and Addison moved to snuggle on each other.

The two teenagers giggles, they both slowly crawl down the bed and sneaked out. "You need my help with?" Zola asked as they walked downstairs. Ellis nodded her head, "Can you help me bake rainbow cupcakes or rainbow cake? Since its.. Mom's birthday?" Ellis nervously asked, she fidget at her fingers.

Zola chuckles and nodded her head, "Of course, Momma Addie teach me how to bake a cake, let's go?" Zola asked, Ellis nodded her head and followed her elder sister to tgw kitchen..

After almost 2 hours, since the countertop was high, and the sink and the countertop was a bit far away.. Zola and Ellis finished the cake, "Can you go first? I'll bring it up.." Ellis asked, this time Zola put her hand on her hips as one of her eyebrow rose up.

Ellis swallowed hard, her hands began to sweat. "Okay.. What's all of this?" Zola asked. Ellis sighed, "It's for our Mommy's birthday!" Ellis said and nervously chuckles. Zola eyed her sister, who can't even look at her.

"Fine.. Fine.. Just be careful and don't use sharp knives or even scissors, okay? I'll check on you later," Zola said and walk towards the stairs.

Ellis breaths out, "That was almost, Ellis.." she whispered to herself. She get the sprinkles on her pocket and start writing something above the cake.

Zola was spying on her, well she is worried what if something happened on Ellis. So she stayed on the stairs. Ellis screamed her name not too loud, she jumped off the stairs making Ellis to jumped a bit. Eyes went wide, "What? I'll call them or we will go there?" Zola asked. Ellis think for a second, "Let's go there.." she said and lift the cake.. Which by Zola's surprise was at the box now.

"You will not going to ask Momma to buy that right?" Zola joked, Ellis chuckles and shake her head. Ellis lit up the candle before going in.

Meredith yawns and looked around, her heart swell when she saw Ellis holding a cake. Addison put her eyeglass on, "Ellis? Zola?" she asked.

Their daughters start singing Happy Birthday to You for them. Ellis stopped a bit away, "Can you both.. Close your eyes? I mean the three of you?" she shakily asked. Addison, Meredith and Zola looked at each other, they all shrugged her shoulders and close their eyes.

Ellis' tears starts falling down her face. They all open their eyes when they heard some sobs, Meredith looked at the cake.

"Oh.. Baby, come here?" she asked and opened her arms. Zola's jaw dropped but she smiled eventually. Ellis crawl towards Meredith, Addison rubs her back.

"You are? We love you still though.." Addison reassured Ellis, who was still crying.

"Y-you do?" She asked. Zola hugged her too.

"We love you, you are our Ellis!" Zola said. Addison and Meredith smiled at them.

"Baby.. You have gay Moms, of course we accept you," Addison said. Meredith chuckles and playfully rolled her eyes and lean to leave a peck on Addison's lips.

Meredith blow the candle.

"We accept you, even if you are bisexual baby," Meredith and Addison said in unison, Zola and Ellis giggles. Zola went on Addison's side. Meredith sighed in content when Addison placed the blonde's head on her shoulder.

"I love you, Mommy and Mama," Ellis said and slowly fell asleep.

Message written on the cake: I prefer boys and girls.. Will you accept me?

Prompt that come out: Coming Out Using A Cake(Tiktok) plus a fic about Ellen's birthday caaause... I forgot to do one T.T

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