P l u s F o u r!

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"Babe, please..." Meredith begged while pouting her lips.

"Babe, I need to," Addison whines.

"B-babe p-please you don't have to do this," Meredith whimpers.

"Mer, stop it please, your making this harder than it needs to be," Addison said and kiss the blonde's forehead.

"B-babe.. After all we've been through? Really? Babe pleaseeee I'm begging you!!!" Meredith whimpers and make a puppy eyes.

"I'm s-so s-sorry Mer," Addison whispers and close her eyes.

"B-babe..." Mer whispers.

Addison place a card in front of Meredith,"P-plus four," Addison whispered.

"UNO!" Meredith suddenly screamed then smirked.

Addison's jaw dropped, "Oh fuck me!" Addison groans.

Meredith grins and lean on her, "Sure.." she whispered. Addison blushed when she realized what she said.

A hand in between them making them stop and look around, they both blush.

"This is uno, not flirty uno," Callie said.

Addison groans when Izzie place 2 card in front of her, she playfully glare at her girlfriend, "I'm making a revenge later," she whispered. Meredith swallowed hard as she blush deeply.

"GEORGE PLACE A DAMN CARD!" Callie screamed as they all jumped then starts laughing so hard. Meredith look at Addison who winks at her and mouthed, 'I will make sure you won't be able to walk straight tomorrow' the blonde's jaw dropped.

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