M u f f i n T O M Y C u p c a k e

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“Red?” Meredith asked. 

“Oh god, no,” Addison said and sighed, as she pulled Meredith towards her. 

“I can't call you Satan,” Meredith joked, earning a Satan glare from the redhead. “Yep, not Satan,” She said and sighed. 

“Muffin,” Addison suddenly said, Meredith's jaw hit the floor.

“What?” She asked, still shocked with what the redhead called her. 

“Muffin!” Addison happily exclaimed. Meredith frowned, “What the... No!” she said. 

Addison smirked, “Nah, Muffin,” she teased Meredith. 

Meredith was about to say no again, but something hit her. She starts smirking, “Oh, really, cupcake?” Meredith said. Her smirk grows wider when Addison's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. 

“Take that back!” Addison hissed and started tickling the blonde. “Nooooo! Cupcaaaake hahahahahaha stooooop ahahahahahahahahaha” Meredith said, laughing so hard. 

Addison stopped and frowns. “Don't. You. Dare. Call. Me. That. In. The. Hospital.” she warned. 

Meredith smirked, “If you promise not to call me Muffin,” she warned. 

Addison hissed, she sighed in defeat. “Fine! You win, I will not. Just don't call me that. It will ruin my name... Where did you even get that?” Addison asked and frowns. 

“Where did you get the muffin?” Meredith asked back. 

Addison roll her eyes. A knock from the door interrupted their teasing time. 

“Who is it?” Meredith asked. 

“Mer! It's almost 4 am, we have shift!” Izzie said on the other side of the door. 

Addison and Meredith's eyes widened. They both hissed when they saw that it was already 4 am. They both jumped off the bed, Meredith jumped off from Addison's lap.

Meredith was the first to enter the shower. She strips her clothes and open the shower. Addison sneaked in and smirked. She stripped her clothes also. 

She wrapped her arms on Meredith's waist, making the blonde to squeal, then giggles. 

“Let's conserve water,” she said and kissed the blonde. 

And the water conservation starts.


Meredith and Addison didn't see each other. Addison's intern that day was Izzie, while Meredith was on Derek's service. 

“So, the rumor is true?” Derek asked as they went out on the room of his last patient that day. 

Meredith rose an eyebrow, “Pardon, Dr. Shepherd?” she asked. 

“About you and Addison?” he asked. 

Meredith frowns, “Is it still rumor if it's true?” she countered. Leaving the neurosurgeon, who was jaw dropped.

“Good day, Dr. Shepherd,” she said and walk on the hallway, go on the different direction. To avoid Derek, if he tried to go after her.

“Muffin,” someone said behind her. 

“Ah!” she screamed. 

“It's Addison actually,” Addison said and smiled. 

“Cupcake...” Meredith warned. 

“Cupcake and Muffin? Really?” Someone said behind Addison. 

They both roll their eyes, “Is there any problem with that?” Addison asked and turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw Bailey and Cristina. 

“Huh, nice call name!” Cristina said and smirked at her person. 

“Aish! I told you not to call me that,” Addison said and hissed.

“What? You call me first!” Meredith said.

“Cupcake and Muffin?” this time they both froze when they heard Derek. 

“I w-want cupcake,” Meredith suddenly said, earning a glare on the redhead.

“I'm craving for muffin!” Addison countered, earning a glare on the blonde.

“We can buy cupcake?” Derek said, ignoring Addison. 

“Get off, Derek. Not my girlfriend,” Addison said and rolled her eyes. 

She holds Meredith's hand and tug her along. 

“Meredith!” Derek screamed but Bailey and Cristina stopped him.


Addison hissed when Meredith pushed her on the wall, “Let me taste my cupcake?” she asked and kissed the earlobe of Addison. 

“I-if you will let me taste my muffin too,” Addison stuttered, while Meredith's finger was rubbing her clit through her panties.

She blushed on how wet she is. She pushed her hand on the blonde's panties and smirked when she heard the moan of the blonde and felt how wet Meredith is. 

Addison reached for the doorknob and lock it. “Taste your cupcake then,” she said, and Meredith smirked before falling into her knees. 

(Story Dedicated for: MerAddStan)

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