Darn you, Donald!

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Donald and Melania had been together for a little over a year and there were numerous rumors going around that he was cheating on her.

She chose not to believe them because she loved her boyfriend and she didn't want anything to separate them.

She had been away on a trip to the Caribbean for a photo shoot. She wasn't scheduled to be home for a few more days, but she got down early and decided to come home to spend time with him.

When she got home, she went straight to his office to see him. Without knocking, she just walked in. And the sight that met her, made her sick.

The rumored assistant was sitting on his lap, making out with him, her shirt off and on the floor.

She immediately backed into the hallway, trying to hold it together, before people started realizing there was something wrong.

As soon as Donald saw her, he immediately started cursing. This is not what he wanted. He loved her. How could he hurt her?

He immediately ran up after her. "Babe... please hear me out." He pleaded with her, out of breath.

"Don't talk to me, Donald!" She snapped.

That hurt. She never called him Donald. "Please don't call me that, baby. Please talk to me."

"Okay, Mr. Trump, leave me alone." She replied coldly.

Her words cut through him and it hurt so bad. It hurt even worse watching her sob as she threw her stuff into a suitcase. "Melania, can we please talk about this? I'm sorry. I know I screwed up, but I'll make it up to you."

"I've already told you. I'm not just another one of the girls you parade around everywhere. I told you when we first started dating, you cheat and we're done. So here we are." She was shocked at how calm she was being towards him, but on for inside, she was dying.

As the evening progressed, she just stayed away him, trying to pack her stuff without crying anymore. She couldn't help but try to drown herself in wine.

He was sitting on the couch in complete silence for hours, hating himself to the core for hurting his girl. Because he knew she was the one and he just blew it.

He was pleasantly surprised when she rounded the corner in the sexiest matching bra and thong, paired with red heels. "What are you doing?" He looked her up and down, practically drooling.

"Ever heard of breakup sex?" She asked, pulling out a pair of handcuffs he had never seen before.

"What the hell are you going to do with those?!" He asked, getting slightly nervous.

"This is when I get my revenge." She whispered, putting the handcuffs around both of his wrists.

"Melania, what the hell are you doing to me?! This isn't funny!" His heart was starting to race a little bit. He had never seen her like this.

She stood in front of him, lip bit, giving him the sexiest strip tease until she was completely nude.

"Baby, please, take these cuffs off of me! I'll do anything! I'm begging you!" He pleaded with her.

She looked him deep into his eyes, whispering. "You're at my mercy tonight." She pulled off his belt like an expert in one quick movement.

Before he knew anything even happened, she had her mouth completely wrapped around his extremely hard member, causing him to moan and groan like a baby.

He threw his head back, groaning so loud. "GOD!"

"No, look me in the eyes." She demanded.

He couldn't help it. He was becoming more and more aroused.

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