Stressful Arguments

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Donald had a crappy day in the office and was so swamped in paperwork, he didn't realize how late it was that he was working.

Melania was expecting him to be home at the normal time, but when he didn't show, she started to stress. She texted him numerous times, but he never responded.

She finally put their 2 month old baby boy to bed and sat in the living room, stressing out about him not being home.

He walked in the door at 2am and she was so relieved to see him.

She sighed seeing him. "It's about time you come home."

"Why are you still up?!" He snapped at her.

She was immediately taken aback by his response. "I'm sorry... I was worried about you. I tried to call and text."

"You shouldn't worry about me! I'm a grown man! I'm not a little boy, Melania!" He rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen.

She was becoming more irritated with him by the second and she could already tell it was going to end badly. "Well, I'm sorry for caring! Good God!"

"You don't care! You want to control me! You want to know where I am and who I'm with at all times!" He slammed the cabinet door, causing it to echo throughout the whole house.

His words cut through her like a knife and it took everything in her not to sob. "Well, I'm sorry I can't trust you! And don't be so loud! Your son is asleep!!"

"You're the one yelling! And besides, if you can't trust me, why the hell did we even get married?!"

"I don't know! Why did we?!!" She quipped back.

"I'm beginning to freaking regret it!"

She had enough and she ran up the stairs sobbing.

He sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal and the newspaper that he never got to read. He couldn't ever understand why she was constantly worried about him, and it had only gotten worse since the baby came.

He finished his cereal and started up the stairs when he heard the baby crying from their room.

She was sitting in the corner, rocking him when his irritable father walked in the room.

"Oh, yes! Just what I wanted after a long day, to come home to a screaming baby!" He grumbled.

"He doesn't feel good! And you can be a jerk to me, but you're not going to be a jerk to my son!!" She informed him.

"Our son, Melania. He's mine just as much as he's yours." He rolled his eyes.


Her anger shocked him. She never acted like that. He had only seen her this mad a few times.

He decided it was best that he not say anything else, so he took a shower.

When he came out, she had gotten the baby settled down and putting him in his crib.

Donald climbed into his side of the bed. "Come to bed with me, honey. It's been a long day and I need you."

"I would rather re-eat throw up then climb in bed with you right now."

"Listen I'm sorry. I'm just under a lot of stress and pressure." He tried to explain, but it wasn't helping the situation.

"And you think I'm not! You could have come home and been half way happy to see me... or at least acted like it! But no! And then you groan because your son has a bellyache and is crying."

"Babe, you're overreacting. Come here and cuddle with me and let me kiss you."

"Absolutely freaking not." She walked over to her side of the bed and picked up her pillow and left the room.

"Where are you going?!" He called from their bed.

"What's it matter to you?!"

He laid in the silence of their room alone, knowing he screwed up big time. He absolutely hated when they were fighting, but he couldn't stand when they went to bed angry with each other.

He was disappointed when he woke up and she wasn't in bed with him. He was hoping she would cave, but she didn't.

"Stubborn European women." He thought to himself as he got up.

As he walked down the stairs, he was greeted by the most beautiful sight in the world- his wife asleep on the couch with their son on her chest.

He walked over and kissed her forehead softly, taking the baby off her chest. "Go up to our bed, sweetheart. I'll take care of him."

She groaned as she woke up, her back and neck aching so badly from sleeping on the couch. "What do you want?" She wasn't sure she was completely over their argument.

"You to go up and get some rest. I'll take care of Barron." He tried helping her up.

"Don't touch me." She sat up.

"I'm sorry..." he genuinely felt bad for their argument, it wasn't her fault he was stressed.

"I don't know if I want any man who told me he regretted marrying me to touch me." Just repeating the words caused her to become emotional.

He laid the baby in his bouncer and sat next to her. "Melania, I didn't mean a thing I said to you last night and I'm not even going to try to make excuses for my actions. I was a jerk and I am terribly sorry for what I did to you last night. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

She laid her head on his shoulder. The truth of the matter was, she couldn't stay mad at him. They were both under so much stress. "I forgive you.... and I am sorry for being in your business all the time. I'll try not to worry about you. You are a grown man and I am not your mom."

"But you're my wife... and I know you do it because you care." He wrapped his arm around her.

"Do you know you haven't kissed me in 24 hours?" She asked.

"Now that is something to worry about." He smiled as he pressed his lips to hers, causing all the stress and tension between them to melt away.

He was relieved when he heard a soft moan escape her lips as he continued to kiss her.

He pulled away and she was disappointed. She whispers, "I'm not ready to be done." She grinned with her eyes still closed.

"I thought you didn't want me to touch you." He teased.

"I want you to do more than touch me." She laid back on the couch, pulling him with her.

"It's 6am, baby." He grinned as he nuzzled into her neck.

"Since when have you cared what time it is when it comes to sex?" She asked, sliding her hand into his hair.

"Oh... so you're saying you want to have sex with me now?" He kissed her neck.

She whispers. "You owe me a good mind blowing orgasm after last night."

"Mmmmmmmm.... Let me see what I can do." He grinned as hovered over his gorgeous wife.

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