Happy Easter!

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Barron's first Easter was spent just like another holiday- at Maralago.

It was kinda Donald and Melania's tradition to spend the holidays in Florida. They loved Florida and they wanted their son to grow up loving Florida.

On the morning of Barron's first Easter, Donald had a big surprise in store for his little family.

Melania woke up early and reached over to put her arm over him, only to find an empty bed. She was confused because he always slept in on vacation, but she didn't get up-she was too tired for that.

When she woke the second time, their was someone in bed with her, but it still wasn't Donald.

She woke up and her 1 year old boy was cuddled up next to her smiling up at her.

"Good morning, buddy. Happy first Easter. Well, not your first. You were only a month old on your first Easter. This year we can actually have fun!" She scooped the boy up and held him as he drooled all over her face.

"Mama!" The baby said as he smacked her face playfully.

"Where is your daddy?" She asked the baby as she kissed his cheeks.

"Dada?" The boy immediately looked around the room for his father.

Little did they know, Donald was downstairs getting Easter baskets ready for his babies and he was going to deliver them himself.

Melania changed Barron's diaper then laid back down with him. The two of them enjoyed just playing and cuddling on the bed in the mornings as neither one of them are morning people.

"I wonder where daddy is." She thought aloud.

Again, the boy looked around the room for his daddy. Looking disappointed when he didn't see him.

"Let's go eat breakfast, buddy. Mommy is hungry." She said as she picked him up and walked out of the room.

When she approached the living room, she couldn't help but to laugh.

"Look, Barron! The Easter bunny came to see you!"

Donald was sitting on the couch with two Easter baskets beside him. He opened his arms wanting it hold the boy.

Melania sat Barron on his lap then disappeared to find her phone.

Barron looked up at the oddly dressed character, so confused. Then he started to panic when he realized his mom was no longer in the room.

She quickly came back and snapped a picture. Then sitting down beside them she handed him his basket.

His basket had his favorite baby food puffs, little basketballs and soccer balls, a stuffed rabbit, new pajamas, a new shirt that read "My Mommy is my idol," and some teething rings.

"Someone knows all your favorites, buddy!"

The "Easter bunny" bounced Barron up and down on his knee and Barron immediately reached for his new teething ring.

The "Easter bunny" then handed Melania a basket. Her basket had all her favorites. Her favorite perfume, new makeup brushes, tons of chocolate, a gift card for a massage, new pajamas, new high heels, and her favorite hot teas.

The "Easter bunny" leaned over and kissed her cheek.

By this point the boy is getting fussy and rubbing his eyes. He did get up earlier than normal. So Melania knew he would be tired.

She filled his bottle up with some milk and laid him in his crib and he immediately fell asleep.

Melania shut the door and stood in front of their room, leaning against the doorframe. She motioned for him to come here.

He came to her and she pushed him in their room and locked the door. Waisting no time pushing him on the bed.

She hovered over him. "Let's see the real guy under here." She bit her lip as she removed the hat of the costume. Revealing his handsome face.

He was smiling from ear to ear, but the costume was hot and he was sweating.

"Oh God! I love when you're sweaty!" She exclaimed as she started kissing his neck.

"So the bunny suit turns momma on?" He asks through a laugh.

"Not the bunny suit. The man under the suit." She reached around him and started unzipping the costume then pulled it off.

"FINALLY!" He said rather dramatically, causing her to laugh.

He was wearing only his boxers under the costume, but he was still sweating, and she wasn't complaining at all.

"God you're sexy!" She smiled as she started removing her own pajamas.

"You're the sexy one!" He exasperated as he grabbed her boobs.

"What do you want for Easter, Mr. Trump?" She asks seductively.

"Mrs. Trump." He licked his lips and rolled over so he was on top.

He collapsed on the bed beside her, sweating more now from their intense, passionate love making.

She was blissfully happy. Now sweating herself, she cuddles up beside him. "You sure know how to keep me happy."

"No, honey, you're the one that keeps me happy." He kissed her cheek and held her.

"I love you." She whispers as she looks up at him with pure love for him.

"I love you too." He leaned over and captured her lips in his own for a long kiss.

When the kiss ended, she laid her hand on his chest and his fingers traced circles on her bare back.

"Maybe I should wear the bunny suit more often." He thought out loud.

She smiled to herself. "Go ahead!"

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