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Melania's favorite job as First Lady, was visiting children and helping them.

Like she does regularly, she decided to take a day trip to visit with kids and their mothers, being safe and using precautions, of course.

It was extremely late when she got home and she was beyond ready to be alone with her husband.

She walks into the residence that is completely silent, quickly realizing her boys already went to bed.

She walks into their room and shuts the door, relieved to see he's still awake.

She jumps on the bed, slowly crawling up, until they are face to face. "I'm glad you're still awake." She winks and bites her lip.

"Mmmmmm, you're in a feisty mood."

She leans down to kiss him and he moves away quickly, not letting their lips meet.

"What was that for?! I haven't seen you all day! I missed you!" She protests.

"You can't kiss me!!"

"And just why not?! When I signed a marriage license and took on the name Mrs. Donald John Trump, that gave me the right to kiss you whenever I want!"

"Babe, what if you were exposed to Covid?!" He exaggerates.

She dies laughing. "If I have Covid, you have Covid."

"Why would that be, sassy?" He asks curiously.

"Do I need to remind you of last night?" She winks and he automatically bites his lip.

"No, but you don't need to kiss me. I can't be sick. I did miss you though." He teasingly blows her a kiss.

She is done with his games by this point, she leans in and lays the sloppiest kiss on his lips.


She giggles and rolls off the bed, walking into the bathroom, slowly taking her clothes off as she walks, one piece of clothing at a time.

"Baby, I cant believe you did that! We could have just had you tested in the morning. That's only a few hours to wait." He was slightly annoyed with her.

"I got tested this morning before I left. And I tested on the plane back, goofball!" She laughs.

"And the results?!"

"Positive. If I have to be miserable, so do you." She winks and closes the bathroom door.

"Melania, no! That's not funny!" He opens the shower curtain where she's standing. "Are you serious?!"

"Do you really think I would have even come around you if I was positive? Of course it was negative. I've worn a mask all day." She quips.

"God, I'm gonna have to punish you for that one!!!" He teasingly rolls his eyes.

"And how are you going to do that Mr President?" She bites her lip.

He quickly undresses and steps in the shower with her. "You'll see." He bites his lip, looking her up and down and shuts the curtain.

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