Hard Times Part 1

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Donald and Melania had just had Barron and like most couples who have a baby together for the first time, their marriage hit an icy patch.

She was home taking care of their 5 week old baby majority of the time and he was out doing all the things Donald Trump does.

He hated that they were going through such a rough time, but he didn't know how to fix it.

To make matters even worse, a bombshell dropped that he was having an affair with a pornstar.

He dreaded going home that night, but his only hope was that she hadn't seen the news, since she rarely watches it.

"I'm home, babe." He called out cautiously, as he walked into their apartment.

She glared at him from across the way as she sat, feeding their baby.

He swallowed hard, knowing he was in for a rough night.

He walked over to them and kissed Barron's head. "How is my boy?"

"Don't touch him! I'm trying to get him to sleep! She snapped at him.

"I'm sorry... I just missed you two." She rolled her eyes.

"Melania.. don't do this. Can we just talk, please?"

"Don't do this?! How about you keep it in your pants and this wouldn't be an issue!!" She got up, pushing past him.

"Baby, please..." He tried to reason with her, but deep down, he knew there was no use. He would have better luck carrying on a conversation with the wall than reasoning with a European woman who was mad.

Just as he excepted, she stayed away from him the entire evening, not even letting him see Barron, which hurt more than anything.

He had taken a shower and gone to bed. To his surprise, she came in their room. He was relieved when she started towards the bed they shared.

But... that was quickly taken when he saw her getting her pillow and her phone charger.

"Baby, where are you going?" He asks, deeply concerned.

"What does it matter to you?! And for God sake! Don't baby me!" She rolled her eyes.

"You are my wife! You are the mother of my child! Where are you going?!" He was starting to get irritated with her more and more by the minute.

"You didn't care about those things when you slept with another woman, now did you?" She crosses her arms across her chest.

"I didn't sleep with her!"

"Yeah.. and I didn't just give birth. Come on, Donald. I'm smarter than you give me credit!"

"Just let me hold you." He pleaded with her.

"Call one of your girls. I'm sure if I went through your phone, you have numerous girls right at your fingertips." She fake gags and slams their bedroom door.

He laid there in complete silence, staring at the ceiling. Yes, he had made mistakes and he knew it, but he didn't sleep with her.. but he knew he would never be able to convince her.

As the night went on, he tossed and turned, concerned about the two people he loved the most- Melania and Barron.

He quietly got up and snuck into the guest room, where they were sleeping.

He gently leaned over the crib, kissing his small son's head, whispering. "I love you, baby boy."

He turned to the boy's mom, who was sleeping peacefully. Like always, she had kicked her blanket off. He slowly picked it up, draping it over her sleeping body.

Weeks drug by and it seemed like nothing had gotten better.

She was barely speaking to him and she was still staying in the guest room down the hall. His only saving grace was that she was letting him spend a little time with their baby.

He was hoping time would heal wounds, but it just didn't seem to be and he was devastated. A stupid rumor and he had lost the love of his life.

She hurt so deeply. Maybe she was being stubborn for not letting him explain himself, but she really didn't want to hear it.

It all made since. She was too pregnant for sex at the time. So he found it somewhere else. Typical Donald Trump card, she thought, but deep down, at the end of the day, she was really starting to miss him.

It had been a month and he had enough. He came home work early and found her in the kitchen, making herself a smoothie.

He sat on a bar stool at the island, opposite of where she was standing. "Hey..."

She was surprised he was attempting to strike up a conversation. They had barely talked in over a month. "Hi.." She replied, almost in a whisper, it was awkward between them and the tension was still very clearly present.

"I know you're going to turn me down, but at least I'll know that I tried." He nervously fiddled with an apple that was on the counter.

"What?" She turns, curiously.

Her beauty caught him off guard, he swallowed hard, fearful of rejection. "Can we go out of town together this weekend and try to get this figured out?"

She was shocked. "Fat chance I'm going anywhere with you. And besides... I have a child to take care of now." She put a straw in her smoothie and started out of the room.

"Melania... I can't lose you... please..." He begged.

There was something in his voice that caught her attention, she had never heard him sound so desperate and broken, but she kept walking.

Late that night, he was trying to sleep when he heard a knock on the door. "You can come in." He called.

Melania slowly opened the door. "Hey.. I just wanted to let you know... I'm willing to go this weekend."

He tried not to sound too excited. "Okay.. we can leave tomorrow night. And if you want to take the baby, I'm okay with that."

"I'll leave him with my mom. He's old enough."

"Sounds good." He smiled.

She started out of the room, but his voice stopped her.



"You don't have to knock.. it will always be your room."

She smiled and nodded her head. As much as she hated to admit it in the moment, the man was madly in love with her and she with him. And she knew they had to get this issue lined out.

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