This is Where I Belong

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Donald and Melania hit an icy patch in their marriage. His indictment, pressures from the media, his campaign.. all of it closed in on them and Melania found herself distancing herself from him.

They were basically living separate lives. He would see her occasionally and it was fine, but he couldn't remember the last time they had any physical contact. And he simply missed her.

He went away for the weekend to golf and attend an event and she stayed home, not surprisingly.

While he was gone, they had a pretty intense and lengthy phone conversation and he just told her he needed more support or they weren't going to work.

So... going home that Sunday was a bit nerve wracking for him. He didn't know what to except once he got home. It was Easter... so he was hopeful that everything would be alright.

He arrived back at their Maralago residence and he finds her sitting on the edge of his bed- the one she hadn't slept on in weeks- putting her heels on.

She took his breath away almost as soon as he stepped in the room. "Melania, you look absolutely beautiful."

Her face flushed red and she smiles. "Thank you." She hands him a pink tie to put on.

"Can we spend a little bit of lunch alone? I know my parents are going to be there and Tiffany... but..." Her voice trails off.

He stares at her reflection in the mirror. "Of course we can." He is having a real hard time reading her and that makes him nervous because she's so unpredictable.

They walk out of their residence to walk the short distance to the ballroom and she gently eases her hand up to his.

He's surprised that she's offering her hand, but he isn't going to turn her down. So, he gladly accepts her hand and gently rubs his thumb across her smooth skin as they walk.

She hadn't told him yet... but she had decided she wanted to fix them. Their marriage was broken and in a mess, but it was a mess she was willing to try to clean up. It was just going to take patience from both of them.

After lunch and the kids left, the two of them were left alone on the couch in their living room. He was exhausted from his whirlwind of a weekend and she could tell.

She slowly crawls over to him and softly slides her hand on the side of his face. "Why don't you go take a nap? You look exhausted."

"There's no point. Any time I lay down, my brain doesn't shut off. I really haven't slept since you moved out of the bed." He stares into her gorgeous blue eyes, trying to figure her out.

Guilt and regret instantly washes over her face. "I'm sorry, honey.."

"I'm not blaming you. It's not your fault.... I just miss you." He admits honestly.

"I want to fix this mess, baby."

He quickly looks over, trying not to look too hopeful. "I do too, but I don't know how."

She whispers softly. "One day at a time."

He reaches over and softly rubs his thumb across her lips, ever so slowly, as he whispers. "I want to kiss you.... But I know you're not....."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." She climbs over him, until she's straddling his lap, leaning into his lips as she kisses him ever so slowly.

He pulls away slightly. "Baby, be careful...." He warns.

"I know what I'm doing." She reassures as she kisses him again and he relaxes into her.

After several minutes of passionate kissing, he slowly pulls away. "We have to stop, sweetheart."

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now