Marry Me Again?

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Donald and Melania were quickly approaching their anniversary and Donald wants to do something special for her.

After talking with Ivanka extensively, he decides he wants to renew their vows. Nothing big, but he wanted a small more private ceremony. He wanted all the kids to be there, along with the grandkids, her parents, and her sister. He wanted it to be something more private and intimate than their original wedding. They both loved their wedding, but he wanted to give her something special.

So, he knew what he had to do- propose again. But how?!

He talked to Barron and got his opinion, but he still had no idea what to do.

He finally made up his mind. He was going to fly here to Florida for what she was going to think was an anniversary get away, but in reality he was going to re-propose and renew their vows.

On the morning before their anniversary, he secretly flew the family out to Florida. Now it was time to get her to Florida.

She knew he had to wrap things up at the office that morning, so while he was away, she packed for the two of them.

He came home completely excited for the next week away in Florida with his gorgeous wife. "Baby, I'm home!"

"Hey, honey. I'm in our bathroom packing the last minute stuff."

He walks in and looks at her reflection in the mirror. "God! You look hot!"

She turns around and kisses the side of his mouth teasingly. "I'm glad you think so, handsome man."

"Oh, I do. Trust me! But we have a plan to catch. Are you about ready?"

She throws his razor in the bag then zips it up. "This needs to go in your suitcase and mine needs zipped. I need to grab our phone chargers and put them in the carry-on bag, then we'll be ready to fly."

"Alright. Let's get a move on. I do not feeling like missing the flight and have to walk to Florida." They both share a laugh.

He walks out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He zips up their bags as she throws their phone chargers in the carry-on bag. "Looks like you have a lot of lacey pieces of clothing in this bag."

"Get out of my suitcase, naughty!"

"Hey now! It was laying on top. You obviously were not trying to hide it."

She blushes knowing he's right.

He notices that she's blushing and feels guilty. "I'm sorry, baby. I was only kidding. It's nothing to get embarrassed about. We are married, you know?" He gives her a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, you're amazing. Let's go before we're stuck here for our anniversary."

"Absolutely not! We freakin need a break. We are going out of town if its the last thing I do."

They board their flight and cuddle the whole way to Florida. While they are flying, the family in Florida starts setting up for the little ceremony.

They finally arrive and randomly he notices that he is feeling slightly nervous. Which he does not understand, he's been with this woman for years. Everything will be just fine, he just wants it to be absolutely perfect for her.

They start getting ready and he couldn't help but to notice how beautiful she looked as she did the finishing touches of her makeup.

She was wearing a tight white dress that almost drug the ground, her makeup was very natural-which was his favorite, and her hair was in loose waves hanging over her shoulders. "Honey, you look beautiful!"

"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." She smiled as she kissed his nose.

They were finally dressed and they walked out hand in hand.

He took her to a secluded patio. "I want a few moments alone with you"

"Awwwww. Okay, baby."

"Well, I kinda have a question for you." He gets down on one knee hand holds her hand. "Will you marry me again?"

"Of course I would, but what are you talking about?" She asks utterly confused.

"Come with me." He stands up and takes her into a small room that is set up for a wedding and all their family is sitting there.

"Oh my gosh, baby! What is this?!"

"I want to marry you again."

"Oh my God, Donald John!" Her eyes fill up.

His heart flutters seeing her reaction and hearing the words Donald John, knowing she's the only person that calls him that. "Lets get this wedding ceremony going!"

She giggles and they walk down the altar hand in hand.

The minister starts and he looks at his wife in awe.

They repeat the vows to each other and its time for the ring part of the ceremony. She didn't expect anything.

But Donald shocks her. Donald repeats after the minister, "With this ring, I thee wed...again." And he smiles as he slides the ring on her finger.

She looks down and gasps loudly. She sees a huge, gorgeous diamond ring. She whispers, "Baby, its gorgeous! But I do not have anything for you."

"Its okay, darling. I didn't except anything. Because I have everything in life. You've given me your love and that is all I could ever want or desire."

The family awes at his sweetness and she wipes a tear from running down her cheek.

The minister finishes up the ceremony and they finally hear the words they've been dying to hear, "You may kiss your bride."

He smiles widely and giggles as he sees her lick her lips staring at his.

He puts his hands on the side of her face, and gives her the most romantic kiss of his life.

With the ceremony over, they eat dinner with the family.

They head up to their room.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Trump. The family is going to hotel on the other side of Florida. We are completely alone now." He winks and she giggles knowing what he has in mind.

"Thank you for that beautiful ceremony and for flying our family here. Having our family here means everything to me. And God! This ring! It's gorgeous!" She leans over to him and gives him a super sloppy kiss.

"Mmmmmm. Thank you, honey! I wanted to do this ceremony tomorrow on our actual wedding ceremony, but I do not plan on leaving the bed tomorrow." He starts kissing her neck and down her jawline.

"That sounds exciting." She starts unbuttoning his shirt.

He lays her back on the bed and hovers over her. "I love you. I can not wait for our second honeymoon for the next week."

And with that, they start their second honeymoon with a celebration of their love and affection.

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