The Best Daddy

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While Donald and Melania were dating, Donald's nights in the office were usually pretty late. He would come upstairs to Melania around 8 or later.. but now that Barron was in the picture, Donald's time in the office was a lot shorter. Most days, he would be back upstairs around 6:30 to eat dinner with Barron and Melania and play with his boy.

Barron and Melania are in his playroom, building tall buildings with blocks. "Look, Mommy! Just like Daddy's buildings!" The 4 year old exclaimed proudly.

"Just like daddy's!" She gushed.

"Mommy, when will daddy be home?"

She looks at her watch and back up to the boy. "Any time now. Do you miss him?"

"Yeah... I wanna play with Daddy." He informs her, as he sucks his thumb.

In just a few minutes, she seems Donald peak around the corner of the playroom, she smiles so big. "Barron, look!" She points at his daddy, standing in the doorway.

"DADDY!!!!!!" The little boy jumps up, wrapping his arms around his daddy's legs.

Donald giggles. "Hey, buddy! Did you miss me?!" He hands Melania a bouquet of flowers and then picks Barron up, kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry I'm late, B. I had to go get Mommy some flowers."

"Uh oh... did you make Mommy mad again?" The toddler questions, causing his parents to laugh.

"Not this time." He kisses his cheek and puts him down.

"Daddy! I got a new toy today! It's in my room! Hold on!" The boy runs out of the room.

Donald helps Melania up off the floor, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful." She kisses his lips.

"That's my job... apparently I need to bring you flowers more often... if the 4 year old only connects flowers with daddy being in trouble." He grins and kisses her.

"Mmmmmm... I missed you today." She mumbles against his lips.

"Don't start that moaning business. Barron's not tired enough for me to just put him in bed." He winks, leaning back into her lips, before he's interrupted.

"Look, Daddy! Mommy got me a new car because I was a good boy!" Barron hands Donald the remote to his new RC car.

"You boys play. I'm gonna go make something for supper."

"Bye, mommy!"

Donald sits in the floor, playing with Barron, listening to him tell about his day. Donald often wonders how he got so lucky to get Melania and Barron.

His thoughts are interrupted by Melania yelling for them. "Come eat!"

"Last one downstairs is a rotten egg!!!!!" Barron darts out the room and down the stairs.

"Hey!!! That's not fair!! You got a head start!" Donald runs after him, making him run faster.

Melania stands at the bottom of the steps with her arms crossed. "If you make my baby fall, we're gonna have issues, Donald John."

Donald scoops the boy up, carrying him the rest of the way down the stairs, stopping to kiss his beautiful wife. "I would never do that. Besides... you can't stay mad at me for too long," he leans in and whispers in her ear, "because you can't resist me."

She punches him in the arm teasingly, as her face blushes red, knowing he's right. "Go eat before it gets cold!"

The three of them sit down at the table and eat their dinner, talking about their days and letting Barron ramble about whatever is on his young mind.

Melania carries her plate to the sink and Donald is not far behind her. "I'll take care of putting him to bed. You go take a hot bath. Or whatever you need to do. Something for yourself."

"I can't. You've worked all day and that's my...." she's interrupted by a finger to her lips.

"It's not your job. I'm his parent too. We share responsibility. Go relax."

"You're the best daddy." She stands on her tip toes, kissing him gently. "And husband."

And she disappears up the stairs.

Donald finally gets Barron's bath over with and he takes him across the hall, into his room and gets him dressed for bed.

Barron stands in front of his daddy, who's sitting on the floor on his knees. "Hey, daddy!" The boy climbs on his daddy, squeezing his face between his hands, with gritted teeth, giggling.

"Oh.... you wanna play rough do you?!" He pulls Barron off and puts his hands in the air, Barron knows what that means and he immediately starts punching daddy's hands.

After several minutes of tons of giggling and playful punches, Donald playfully body slams Barron on the bed, tickling him, causing him to kick and scream and giggle.

Melania can hair the chaos coming from down the hall. She puts a towel in her hair and a robe on and she quietly walks down the hall, watching them without them knowing.

Her heart melts watching her boys. She's always loved the bond they share, but it gets sweeter and sweeter the older he gets.

Barron finally catches a glimpse of his mom standing in the door. "MOMMY SAVE ME!!!!!!" The boy playfully pleads.

"She's not going to save you!!" He keeps tickling him.

"I'll always save you!" She scopes him up, as he wraps his legs around her waist, protected in mommy's arms, he giggles and sticks his tongue out at his daddy.

"Ha ha. Mommy saved me."

"Okay.. now that you boys got your energy out.. it's time for bed." She kisses Barron's cheek and lays him in his bed.

Donald kisses his cheek, running his fingers through Barron's hair. "I love you, buddy. Sleep tight, okay?"

"I love you, daddy." The boy sucks his thumb as his parents turn off the light and sucks his thumb.

He follows Melania down the hall, to their room and shuts the door.

"I swear. You're the best daddy." She wraps her arms around his neck, leaning her forehead to his.

"It's pretty easy when you have the best partner to parent with." He smiles, looking into her blue eyes.

She grins and rubs her thumb over the back of his head. "I love you, Donald John Trump."

"I love you more, Melania Knauss Trump."

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