The Most Powerful Man in the World

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White House life was rough. Living in a fishbowl was not for the faint of heart. But one thing that never changed... Donald and Melania's love for each other.

Although sometimes their relationship had to take a backseat, it didn't mean they loved each other any less... they just had to be creative with how they spent time together.

They had both been extremely busy and needed some down time together.

Melania sends him a text from her office.


"Can you work some time with the First Lady into your busy schedule this evening?😏"


"I don't know if my wife would appreciate that.😉"


"It can be our secret."


"I'll be home around 6:30. I can't wait to spend some time with you, baby."

Melania bites her lip and tucks her phone into her pant's pocket on her butt.

She cleans up her office, walking to their private residence for the day with a pep in her step that she didn't have earlier.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Trump....." A young assistant tries to stop her.

"Just put it on my desk and I'll take care of it tomorrow." She keeps walking, not letting work get in her way.


"I'll see you tomorrow!" She looks over her shoulder, grinning, as she closes the door to the access to their private domain.

Donald is an equally of a hurry to finish up for the day, with the same pep in his step.

They haven't spent any time together in nearly 3 days, besides a short meal and a couple kisses.

They were both dying to be together, uninterrupted.

He comes in the door and the smell of chocolate cake fills the air and he involuntarily moans. "Baby... I'm home."

"I'm in the kitchen!" She says, her voice smooth and relaxing.

He walks in to find her icing a beautiful chocolate cake, which is his favorite. "What is that?" He smiles, walking over to her.

"I don't know. What is it?" She smiles.

"Looks delicious." He slightly bites his lip and dips his finger into the bowl of icing and gently smears it on her lips. "Oh shoot, babe. You have icing on your lip... let me get that for you." He tips her chin up, teasingly licking the icing off her lips, then kisses her long and slow.

She moans softly and leans in for more.

He kisses her again intensely, this time causing her to drop the icing utensils, snaking her hands around the back of his neck.

He pulls away slightly. "Where's your son?"

"Who cares?" She leans back into his lips.

He squeezes her hips, pulling away gently, causing her to groan which makes him smile. "I love you!"

"I love you too." She grins sheepishly and kisses him gently, going back to icing the cake.

"Do you have dinner plans?" He asks.

"Want to go out? We could use a date night." She hums.

"Where's Barron, honey?" He asks, genuinely curious.

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