First Words

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Barron was about 6 months old and Melania was so anxious for him to talk. She wanted to hear her baby's voice in more than just a coo.

She and Donald were laying in bed, talking about how fast their boy is growing.

"He's going to say daddy first." Donald declared.

"He is not! I spend every waking moment with that kid. He loves his mama. Definitely mama first." She argued.

"Bet?" He asked.

"Sure. Why not? Barron says mama first, you get diaper duty for a week. Barron says dada first, I'm yours whenever you want for a week." She told him.

"Ohhhhhhh, yeahhhhhhhh! I'm winning! Game on!" He laughed knowing he was going to win.

The next day, Donald made sure he got up with Barron the first time he heard a whimper on the baby monitor.

As he was getting up, Melania rolled over. "I know what you're doing." She said groggily.

"Being a father to my son?" He gave her a cheeky wink and walked into Barron's room.

Barron was sitting up, smiling for ear to ear just waiting to be picked up.

"Good morning, handsome." He lifted the boy out of the crib and kissed his head. "Let's go get you a bottle."

Barron just cooed in his pack n play from the living room.

Donald returned from the kitchen with a bottle and turned on Mickey Mouse as he fed him the bottle.

After the bottle was gone and Barron burped, Donald sat him up in his arms. "Listen here, kid. We need to have a talk. You have to say dada first, okay?!"

Barron just smiled at his dad and cooed.

"Daaaaaaddddddddddaaaaaaaaa." Donald tried coaching his son.

Barron giggles.

"Oh you think that's funny?! Daaaaaadddddaaaaaa!"

Barron belly laughs.

Melania comes walking around the corner and can't help but to stop and listen to her boys.

"Daaaaaaddddddddddaaaaaaaaa." Donald says as Barron continues to belly laugh.

"Look at my boys!" Melania smiled widely and kissed Barron's head and Donald's lips.

"Good morning, baby." He smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

She was happy to give him another kiss. "Uh-huh. Just being a father to your son, yeah? Sounds like your coaching him on how to say daddy." She gives him the side eye as she walks into the kitchen.

"Busted." Donald whispers in Barron's ear then sits him on the floor with some toys.

He quickly follows behind her. As he walks into the kitchen, he sees her leaning against the countertop. So, he smacks her butt nice and firm.

"What was that for?!" She asked.

"Because we're married. And what's yours is mine and what is mine is yours." He leaned over and starts kissing her neck.

"Stop it! It's too early for that. Help me make breakfast." She giggled.

"I'm just preparing you for next week." He winks.

"You're going down!"

"We'll see. We'll see." She teased then handed him a package of bacon.

He fried the bacon while she made the french toast.

"I'm going to get Barron." She said as she walked into the living room and picked her happy baby up.

"Mommy loves you." She says as she kisses his cheek.

"See! You called yourself mommy!" He said teasingly like he was being defensive.

"I have news for you, big guy. That's an every morning thing. So quit acting like you just busted someone committing a crime." She winked.

"Guilty as charged."

He sat at the table eating, Melania was sitting beside him feeding herself, but also feeding Barron baby rice while he sat in his high chair.

The room was silent, besides the sound of the small family eating their breakfast.

Melania was eating her own food, forgetting to feed Barron another bite.

Barron was hungry and tired of waiting. He points to his bowl of rice. "Mama!"

Melania's jaw drops as she looks up. "What did you just say?" She asks the baby.

"Mama!" He says as he points to the bowl.

Donald leans over her and looks at their son. "We had a deal remember?! You were gonna say dada first!"

The baby gives a cheeky smile. "Mama!" He claps for himself in accomplishment.

"Yessssss! Dada's on diaper duty next week!" She cheered. "And gosh, baby boy. There's nothing like hearing you say Mama." She beamed at her son.

"Congratulations, mommy. You deserve it. You're a fabulous mommy." Donald kisses her cheek.

"I didn't expect you to surrender like that." She laughs.

"I know you can't resist me when it's late at night and we're all alone. So I'm not worried." He laughed as he carried their plates to the sink.

Barron was over the excitement. He was still hungry. "Mama!" He fussed.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. You want to eat." She began feeding him again. "I love you so much." She whispered and kissed the boy's chubby cheek.

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