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Donald came into the residence, hoping to have a relaxing evening in the White House. He had a week left and he just wanted to soak it up.

When he walks in, there were many more boxes than when he left in the morning. In some rooms, they were stacked to the ceiling. And he hated it.

He walked into the room he's shared with Melania for the past four years, to find her packing up her closet.

"You had to start this today?" He grumbles.

She could tell by the tone in his voice that he was in a mood. "I know you don't like it, but it's reality. We have a week left. And I have a lot of work to get done in a week."

"God! You don't have to remind me! Geez! You know it's hard!" He snapped.

"I'm sorry... I know it's hard for you to accept, but we can't just wait to pack. I'm not asking you to help me. I just want you to know I'm trying to do my responsibilities I can as a wife and mom." She was trying to be nice, but she was quickly becoming annoyed.

"This means nothing to you. You never wanted this life. And you don't even care that it was stolen from me!" He says with attitude.

She looks up, her eyes wide. "Excuse me!"

"You heard me! You've been dying to do this since you moved in! You've hated this life!" He kicks a box across the floor.

"I did not! It was not easy for me! And you are acting like a child!" She was starting to get angry, fast.

"Did you just call me a child?!!!" He steps closer, almost in her face.

She bites her lip, trying so hard to hold the tears in. "You need to go."

He looks up, realizing he's hurt her. "Baby, listen. I'm..."

He's quickly cut off. "I'm not kidding. You need to leave this room. I need to be alone."

"Don't. Please. I'm sorry." He reaches for her hand.

"GO!!!!" It wasn't very often she yells, but when she does, he knows she means business.

He swallows hard and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

She sits on the floor, surrounded by boxes, and sobs.

Several hours past and she was finally almost done packing her closet, when he comes in the room.

"M, are you almost done? I want to lay down." He asks, trying to be nice.

"Fine." She shuts off the light and leaves the room.

He mumbles to himself. "Boy... you really screwed up this time Donald."

He takes a shower and climbs into bed alone, hoping she'll finally come to bed.

He finally dozes off, but is awoken, feeling her weight on the bed beside him.

She had taken a bath and decided she needed some sleep. She turns out her lamp, laying with her back facing him, instead of cuddled up to him, which is something she rarely does.

He was just relieved she came to bed with him. Deep down, he was sure she was going to sleep in the guest room.

He cuddles up behind her, wrapping his arm around her, whispering. "I'm sorry about being a jerk earlier. I'm just really stressed. I know that's no reason to treat you like crap. I'm really sorry. I know you're just doing what you have to do."

She finally relaxes after hours of being tense. "I know this is really hard for you. I'm sorry I snapped. It's just really stressful for me. And everything is so unknown. Our future has never been so unknown and that scares me."

"I know everything is unknown, but as long as I have you by my side, I can make it through anything." He kisses her head.

She rolls over in his arms, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. "I love the fact that I get to start this new chapter with you. No other man I would want to do it with."

He leans into her lips, leaving a lingering kiss. "I love you."

She leans into him. "Mmmmmm you can do that again."

So he indulges in her wishes, kissing her long and slow. "Like that?" He grins.

She smiles against his lips and whispers. "Just like that.... oh and I love you more." She kisses his cheek and cuddles into him for the night.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now