New Traditions

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It was Christmas time and Donald and Melania had a baby on their hands this Christmas.

It was Barron's second Christmas, but the year before, he was only 9 months old. This year he was nearly 2. They were both terribly excited about Christmas with their baby.

They put their Christmas tree up and of course the little guy thought the bulbs were balls. To which he threw all over the living room.

"Melania! Come look at your son!" Donald calls from the living room, laughing.

She walks around the corner as Barron throws the colorful bulb all over the room. "Yayyyy!" The baby claps for himself as he plays with the ornaments.

"Barron, those aren't toys." His mother corrects, trying not to laugh.

She picks him up and sits on the couch by Donald.

"This family needs some traditions, daddy." She whispers, cuddling her boy on her chests and snuggling herself up to her husband.

"What are you thinking, babe?" He asks, kissing her head.

"I don't know. We need to do something. I want Christmas to be a special time for him. Even when he's older."

"Get your shoes on. I have an idea!" He announces, jumping up.

"What are you doing?" She laughs.

"Come on. Put your shoes on." He prods.

She gets up and disappears. She comes back white boots on and a jacket.

While she was gone, he put Barron's winter jacket and boots on. "All ready, buddy?"

The baby shook his head yes and reached for his daddy.

He carried him to the car and put him in his car seat.

They were driving to a mysterious location and Melania was so curious. "Babe, do you even know where you're going?" Melania asks as they pull into the local Starbucks.

"Sure do." He calls out as he gets out.

Minutes later, he returns with 2 peppermint hot chocolates and a cup of milk for the baby.

He puts Barron's milk into his bottle then passes out their drinks.

"Now can I know where we're going?" She asks, sipping her hot chocolate.

"Just relax, dear." He giggles, holding her free hand.

After several minutes of driving, they pull up to a horse-drawn carriage.

"Is this for us?!" She asks as she pulls Barron out of his car seat.

"HORSIE!" Barron points, causing his parents to laugh.

"Yes, that is a horse. And yes, this is for us." He grabs a blanket and their drinks.

"Babe! It's beautiful! Did you have this planned?" She asks.

"No, I saw it on my way home from work yesterday and loved it."

They cuddled up in the carriage and drove all around the city looking at the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations.

"SANTA!" Barron called from his mother's lap.

"Christmas is so much better with a baby." Donald kisses Barron's head.

"I agree. I love this."

After an hour of riding, they got into the car freezing cold.

"What do you think about stopping at the mall and getting his picture with Santa?" Melania asks, as she grabs his hand.

"I think that sounds like a good idea. And maybe we can stop at the lingerie store before we leave." He winks.

"Stop it!" She nudges him.

"What?! I want a picture with Santa too! I just want the naughty Santa."

He cheeks blush red and he laughs. "Got you." He whispers.

"I hate you sometimes." She rolls her eyes.

"No, you don't. You love it. And you know you do." He winks and leans over her and kisses her neck.

"Just watch the road, Donald John."

"Yes, dear." He laughs.

"Barron, did you like the Christmas lights?" She asks.

"Yes, mommy! Santa!" He calls.

"We're gonna go see Santa, baby boy." She smiles, there's nothing like being a mother. It's her biggest honor in life.

They arrive at the mall and stand in the long line to see Santa.

Melania's heart melts as she watches her baby, all wide eyed.

Donald leaves his hand on Melania's lower back as they stand and wait in line.

"Next." The smiley elf calls.

"That's us." Donald says.

"Santa! Yayyyyyyy!" The clapping baby calls.

Melania sits him on Santa's lap and smiles as the elves snap photos for them.

"You did so good, buddy." Donald announces, looking at the pictures of Barron smile on Santa's lap.

"He loved him." Melania runs her fingers through his blonde curls as they walk.

They start to walk past the lingerie store and Donald nudges her. "Baby, please?" He gives her major puppy eyes.

She just rolls her eyes. "How do you know I don't have a sexy Santa outfit?" She asks.

"Ohhhhh Lala!" He licks his lips. "Barron, you're going to bed as soon as we get home."

"Okay, Daddy."

"Wow. That was easy. He never wants to go to bed." Melania laughs.

Sure enough, as soon as they got home, he tottles into his room and stands at his bed.

"Night, night, Mommy." He says waiting for her.

"I'm coming, buddy." She walks in, changes his diaper, and puts pajamas on him.

She sits in the rocker and Donald brings Barron some milk.

After about 20 minutes, the baby is sound asleep.

She slowly stands up and lays him in the crib, putting his bear beside him and covering him up.

Donald hugs her from behind, as she relaxes in his arms. "I love you two so much." He whispers.

"We're lucky." She whispers back. "Thank you for making that so special for him."

"Anything for my little man." He kisses her head.

And they stand there, her in his arms, watching their baby sleep, for the longest time.

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