A Sick Baby

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Donald and Melania has welcomed their first son, Barron, into the world 6 months ago. For Donald, it seemed like yesterday. He loved watching his boy grow and learn and he loved watching his wife flourish as a mommy. He loved the bond between his son and wife because he was definitely a mommy's boy. For Melania, on the other hand, it had been 6 very long months. She loved being a mommy, but it was a huge change. She wasn't used to someone depending on her every hour of the day. And she especially was not used to not getting very much sleep, but she wouldn't trade her boy for anything.

Donald knew how exhausted his wife was and he wanted to help her out, but she never let him. She insisted that she had it under control. So he decided to make her relax.

He came home from work to find his gorgeous wife in the kitchen making a salad for their dinner while the baby slept in his swing in the corner of the kitchen.

She couldn't help but to notice his devilish smirk. "What have you done, Donald John?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "What do you mean? I smile and you think I've done something wrong." He softly kisses the side of her neck.

She lays the knife down and turns in his arms, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. "Okay. You're right but you just don't smirk like that very often." She gives him a long, welcome home kiss.

"You are freakin sexy as......" She cuts him off. "I am not! My hair is a nasty mess and I haven't changed my clothes in like two days and I haven't looked at makeup in months! Plus, you don't need to say anything little ears can't hear!" She smiles against his lips.

"Has he been a good boy today?" He walks over to his swing and shuts it off.

"If you wake him up, I may cut your balls off with this knife!" She teases.

"But I miss him! I haven't held him in hours." He pouts and turns the swing back on.

Her heart melts. "Fine. Get him out."

He picked the sleeping baby up and cuddles him in his arms, kissing his head. "So we have a surprise for you, Mommy."

"Oh and what would that be, handsome boys." She smiles at them.

"Well, you haven't done anything for yourself since he's been born and I think it's time you get some alone time." He explains.

"No, baby. I don't need time alone. I am just...." He puts his finger to her lips, shhhhhing her. "Let me talk. I've arranged for you to have a few days away with your mom and sister. You'll leave tomorrow morning and come back the next evening. Not too long, but long enough for you to relax. I'll take care of the baby and I want you to enjoy yourself."

"But, baby!!!" She protested.

"Just quit trying to argue with me. It's a lost cause. I'll take care of the baby and everything will be just fine." He kisses her head.

The next morning rolls around and melania is all packed to go- after much protesting.

She emotionally loves on her baby boy, as this will be the first time she's been away from him, but she must admit. It would be nice to have some "me time" for a day or two.

She kisses her handsome husband goodbye and it's out the door she goes.

Donald puts Barron on the floor with some toys. "Listen here, little guy, we're going to be good for daddy, so I can prove to your mommy that I am a good daddy. Got it?!"

The chubby baby looked up at him and grinned so big, completely melting his father's heart.

The day proceeds on and everything goes just fine. The baby eats when he's suppose to. Daddy and baby nap on the couch together and everything is perfect. Donald thought the few days were going to be a breeze.

At 7:30, he started Barron's nighttime routine- the same routine done by his mommy. He noticed Barron was kinda fussy, but he just thought he missed his mommy.

By 8, Barron was sound asleep in his crib and Donald was going to finally get to eat dinner and enjoy the silence of the evening.

By 8:15, Barron was screaming bloody murder. Donald picked him up, but he couldn't be calmed down.

Finally after about an hour of screaming and Donald being stressed out, it clicked. He missed mommy.

So Donald dug through the dirty laundry and found the T-shirt melania wore to bed the night before. He cuddled the baby and laid the T-shirt beside him, and he instantly quit crying and cuddled the shirt.

"Don't worry, buddy, I miss her too" Donald kissed his head and began rocking him back to sleep.

He put him in his crib and he slept. And by this point, daddy was exhausted himself.

He quickly showered and climbed in bed. Only to be woken up 2 hours later, by the baby crying again.

He walked across the hall, into the nursery and picked him up. "What's the deal, dude? You sleep when mommy's home!" He held him up in the air and that's when the horrible, dreaded thing happened.

Barron began to vomit all over the place. Donald was in pure shock. Barron wasn't much of a spitter. Even after a bottle. Or when he was a tiny baby. Let alone a puker.

"Oh my god!!! What am I going to do?!!!" Donald wondered aloud after Barron finished projectile puking all over the both of them and the floor.

Barron smiled at him. "Oh yeah. You're happy now. Did you have a belly ache?"

Donald pulls his own soiled shirt off then begins cleaning the baby, then the floor and himself. After 30 minutes, everyone is clean and cuddled up again.

To Donald's horror, Barron did it again 45 minutes later. This time, all over mommy and daddy's bed.

Donald quickly realized their little guy was sick. After 3 times of cleaning puke, Donald was completely worn out and feeling helpless for their boy. He picked up his phone to call melania and quickly put it down. "No. I can't bother her!"

Barron was up and down all night long, vomiting everything in his stomach every time something was put in.

Daddy only got roughly 2.5 hours of sleep and was exhausted.

Melania came in the next day completely relaxed. "Where's my boys?!"

She was so happy when she saw them cuddled up on the bed together watching cartoons.

Donald sighed aloud. "I've never been so happy to see you in all my life."

She came over and kissed him several times. "Ehhhhh it couldn't have been THAT bad! He's a good baby." Barron was finally feeling better and so happy to see his mommy, clapping his hands and smiling.

She picks him up and kisses all over him and Donald laughs. "Babe, you don't even know the half of it."

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