Moving Day

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At this point in the presidency, Donald had been living in the White House alone for close to 6 months. Melania and Barron stayed back in New York so he could finish his school.

Donald missed them terribly. He longed to have their company around 24/7. Phone calls, FaceTiming, cute text messages, and weekend visits weren't enough for him. He missed the days of crawling in bed after a long day and getting to cuddle and kiss her.

Melania felt the same way, but at the same time, she was enjoying her last few months of "freedom". She did miss his company. She missed the random kisses and endless laughs. But she knew she would have it all back soon enough.

On June 10th, he got a text from her.

Melania- What's your plans tomorrow, honey?

Donald- Absolutely nothing. I plan on calling and talking to you for a long time.

Melania- Baby, did you forget about tomorrow?

Donald- Oh God! What did I forget?! Its not our anniversary. Its not your birthday. What is it, the anniversary of our first kiss or something?!

Melania- No, but I'm dying to kiss your lips.

Donald- Me too, baby. I miss you so much.

Melania- I miss you too. But tomorrow is my move in day, silly! How did you forget??

He gets extremely happy knowing his baby is coming home soon.

The night goes by so slow because he's anxiously counting down the hours until she's home with him forever.

He gets a call that her airplane is about to land. So he jumps in a motorcade to meet her at the airport.

She lands and smiles widely seeing him waiting for her on the tarmac. She runs down the steps. She runs and jumps in his arms. "BABY!!!!!!!!"

He picks her up and kisses her for the longest time. "Do you know I haven't seen you in two weeks?!"

"I do know!" She wraps her legs around his waist and kisses him passionately and tenderly. "I hope there's not a ton of cameras around." She giggles and kisses him again.

He helps her into the car and they leave. They kiss and caress in the backseat the whole time they are in the car to the White House.

He whispers in her ear as they pull up, "I'm dying to have some alone time with you." He kisses her neck then helps her out.

They get in the Residence and he has flowers waiting for her when they get in.

"Ignore the flowers." He picks her up and heads for the room they will now share.

He lays her on the bed. Kissing her nonstop, he slowly pulls away. "Welcome home, baby!" He smiles and goes back to kissing her.

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