Snow Day

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Donald and Melania woke up one January morning by a hyper little boy bouncing on their bed.

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!" He calls.

She felt Donald's grip around her waist tighten and he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"What's wrong, buddy?" The tired momma asks.

"It snowed a whole bunch last night!" He exclaims, then jumps off their bed and hides in the bedroom curtains taking in the sight from his parents' room.

"Good. He left." Donald says sleepily from her neck.

She laughs. "No, he didn't. He's standing in the window behind the curtains."

"Why did we have to create a child that is a morning person?" He asks, causing her to laugh again.

"That came from you. Because I'm not a morning person." She informs him, as she cuddles into him again and closes her eyes.

"Come on, Mommy! Get up!!" Barron demands, coming out of the curtains.

"Barron, honey, it's 7 a.m. I know you want to go out and play in it, but it's way too early." Donald tells him.

"Okay, daddy." The boy says disappointedly.

"I'll make you a deal. I'll go get you a cup of juice and you can lay in bed between me and Mommy and watch Toy Story. Then at 9, we'll get up, eat breakfast, then go outside." Donald pulls him up on the bed and lays him by his mother.

"Okay, daddy." It sounded like a win-win for the 5 year old. He got to watch Toy Story cuddled up to his mommy and he got to play in the snow after breakfast.

Donald got up got a sippy cup full of apple juice then took it back to him and cuddled up with the boy and his mommy.

It wasn't 30 minutes later, and Barron was fast asleep.

Melania looks up to see if Donald is awake. They have both seen Toy Story countless times as its Barron's favorite.

To get his attention she starts quoting lines off the movie, he instantly looks over at her and laughs.

"You're such a good daddy." She whispers.

"I didn't do anything." He tells her, cuddled up to the boy.

"You got him to sleep and he's letting us cuddle. That is like a big thing. He hardly ever lets us cuddle him anymore." She wonders aloud.

"I know. Our baby is growing up." He lays there, thinking about the days when Barron was a baby.

Donald and Melania got up and make breakfast for the three of them.

Barron smells good and runs into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast, Mommy?"

"Waffles, eggs, bacon, and toast. Does that sound good?" Melania informs him from the stove.

"Sounds amazing, Mommy. When can we go outside?!" He asks sweetly.

"As soon as breakfast is over and we get dressed in clothes to go outside." She kisses his head.

He climbs up in Donald's and sits down. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you more, baby boy." He kisses his head.

"I'm ready to go outside!" Barron says excitedly.

"Me too, buddy. I'm going to push Mommy down in the snow." He winks as Barron laughs.

Melania turns around at the stove and gives him the look. "Better not."

"Who is going to stop me?" He winks.

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