A Christmas Surprise

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Donald, Melania, and Barron had been living in the White House for almost 2 years. They were all settled in and loving D.C. life, but Melania thought Barron needed a companion.

Two weeks before Christmas, Melania walks down the hall from the East Wing to the West Wing. She was taking in the thrill of the Christmas season. Christmas was her favorite time of year anyways, but Christmas at the White House was absolutely magical for her and her small family.

She finally reached the Oval Office, which was where she had been headed all long. She needed to sweet talk the President.

She walked in smiling really big as she hummed the tone to her favorite Christmas song.

He loved seeing her in general, but something about the holidays brought out the best in her and he loved it.

"Someone is cheerful today. I wasn't expecting to see you until later."

She smiled and sat down on his lap. "Surprise!"

He leans over and kisses her gently three times. "You must want something. What are you wanting?"

"How'd you know?!?!" She asks very surprised.

"I just know. It's my job to know you. And I can just tell you want something."

"Well, you're right. Just remember I love you." She winks. "First off, I know its our tradition to spend Christmas through New Year at Maralago. Which I love doing, but I just thought it would be special to be here on Christmas. Is there anyway we can go to Florida next week, but then fly back on the morning of Christmas Eve? We could spend Christmas Eve here then wake up on Christmas Day. We can open presents as a family, then fly back to Florida for dinner with the rest of the family?"

"That was easy. Of course we can. I was going to talk to you about doing that anyways. Okay that was the first request. What's the second one?"

"This one won't go as well. Barron has adjusted so well and he's doing so well in school. Despite the fact that he's in a new home, new school, new friends. The kid basically has a new life. He doesn't have many friends here. Is there anyway we can get him a puppy?"

"Melania, have you lost your mind?!"

"Baby, hear me out. There was only two things on his Christmas wish list. That Mom and Dad will be safe and a puppy. I can't guarantee the first, but we can the second. Please baby?"

He sits back and closes his eyes. "I don't think so. You know how I feel about dogs in the house, especially the White House and we just don't have time to take care of it. Although his list is sweet."

"Okay." She doesn't say anything else and she gets off his lap and walks out.

"Baby, come back!" He yells down the empty hallway.

She hears him, but ignores it and keeps walking.

She locks her office door and sits down at her desk and starts crying. "He just wants a dog. That's it. Why can't we get a dog?!"

Two weeks go by and she's still upset, but doesn't say anything else about it. She decides she's not going to let it ruin her Christmas spirit.

Christmas morning comes around and Donald wakes up extremely early. Even before Barron. He can't help, but be excited. He's giving his family everything they wanted.

Melania wakes up to see him smiling. "You're happy this morning. Merry Christmas, my big boy." She kisses him gently.

"Good morning and Merry Christmas, baby!" He kisses her back.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now