Barron... The Teenager

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Donald came home from golfing and he was beyond ready to see Melania. Now that they were in Florida, they were spending much more time together and any time apart, they missed each other horrible.

He walked in the door, whistling, only to be greeted by Melania and Barron fighting.

"You can't tell me what to do!!!!! I'm old enough to make my own decisions!!" The smart-mouthed boy yelled at his mom.

She was trying so hard to stay calm, but it was getting extremely hard. "Barron, we try to give you room to make your own decisions, but as long as you live in our house, whatever your dad and I say, goes."

"THATS NOT FAIR!!!!! I WANNA MOVE OUT!!!!!" He pulls his hair.

"Where you gonna go? You're 14, Barron."

"I have plenty of siblings and my grandparents!" He informed her.

Melania took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair, extremely stressed.

About that time, Donald walked in, sliding his hand on her back. "What's wrong, baby?" He kisses her head.

"Your son.." she lays her head on his shoulder.

"Barron, go to your room. And I'll be there in a minute." Donald gestured down the hall.

Barron left and Melania melted in Donald's embrace.

"I just want him to be little again." She whispers.

He wraps his arms around her. "I know, baby, but we can't go back in time. It won't last forever. I promise." He kisses her forehead.

"It's just really hard knowing he hates me. We use to be so close.. and now he won't even eat lunch with me." She tried so hard to choke back her emotions.

"I'm going to talk to him. Because he's not going to treat you like crap. You're his mom and he's going to learn respect."

"Please don't cause a problem. He already told me he was going to move out." Her voice cracks.

"He's not going anywhere. We're his parents. Don't stress. Why don't you go take a hot bath or get a massage while I take care of him?" He rubs her back.

"How about...." she bites her lip. "I go take a bath and you give me a massage?"

He grins and kisses her lips. "Whatever you want."

Melania disappeared into their room and Donald went to investigate the deal with Barron.

He knocks on the door.

"Go away."

So, Donald opens it and walks in.

"I don't want to talk. I don't want anyone in here!" He snaps as he throws clothes in a bag.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To Don's." Barron shrugs.

"No, you're not. What's your deal? You know I don't appreciate you yelling at your mom."

"I hate her, Dad! She's so controlling! She doesn't let me do anything! I'm sick of it! I'm tired of this place! You two are all over each other all the time and I'm just done! It's disgusting!"

"First of all... you don't hate your mom. And you better never say that again. The way you treat her proves you hate her. And it breaks her heart. Your mom has bent over backwards to give you the life you deserved! I had to sacrifice 6 months of time with your mom so you could stay in New York to finish school and it's about freaking time you appreciate that stuff!" Donald could feel his blood pressure rising by the minute.

"Tell her to get off my case! I wanna be able to spend time with my friends, Dad!!!!"

"I understand that. And you know the rule. They can come here anytime they want, but you aren't going there. People will hurt you just to hurt me and we're not doing that."

"ITS NOT FAIR!!!!" He throws his phone against the wall.

"Well, it's like this. You're grounded. No one is coming here. You're not moving out. And you're apologizing to your mom. End of conversation. Nothing more." Donald starts picking up his electronics from around his room.

"No, Dad! Don't take my stuff!!! You can't do that!!!"

"You shouldn't give your mom grief like you do, but you do it anyways. So... same difference."

"I'm literally your flesh and blood and you still choose her!" He plops on his bed.

"You're right. You are my son. But I will ALWAYS choose her first. What you don't understand is, she was mine before she was ever yours. And no one is going to hurt her. So sit here and think about what you've done and when you're ready to be a man and talk to your mom, then we'll go from there." He picks up his electronics and leaves the room.

Donald walks back into their room and drops all his crap on the dresser.

Melania is laying across the bed and looks up. "You stole his stuff? How did you get by with that?"

"Because I paid for it." He winks. "Aren't you suppose to be in the bath?"

"I just took a really hot shower. I feel better. I just wanted to be out when you came back." She motions for him to come to the bed.

"What are you wanting? Your feet rubbed?"

"Not my feet... my lower back, but you don't have to. I pay people to work on my back. I just wanna cuddle with you and relax." She puckers.

He leaves a lingering kiss on her lips. "You pay may pay people, but there's somethings only I can take care of." He winks.

"Mmmmmhhhmmmm." She whispers. "I think I need some of that attention."

He quickly hops off the bed and locks the door and dives back on the bed. "Whatcha need?"

She laughs. "All of you, but I have a feeling your son is going to come looking for his phone in a few minutes. So we better not start anything."

"You're probably right... I heard about how nasty we are. Who cares... That's how he was mad after all." He kisses her neck.

She whispers in his ear. "No, he was made because his daddy is irresistibly sexy and this mama can't tell him no."

"That's it!" Donald jumps up and puts Barron's stuff outside their door. "Barron!! You can have your stuff back!!!" He shuts the door and locks it.

"There. Now you're all mine...with no interruptions." He gives her a devilish grin. 

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