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It was the morning of January 20, 2017. Melania woke up by the sound of her alarm-it was Inauguration Day! The day they had dream about for so many months.

She woke up and noticed he was still asleep. Which never happens. He's always the first one up. Pre-inaugural events must have made him really tired.

He had his arm lazily around her. His hair was a mess, he was drooling, and maybe slightly snoring, but she didn't care. She loved her guy. And she loved this view of him. Because only she saw it. It was special to her.

She knew she had a few more minutes to sleep, so she moved over as close to him as she could.

He felt her move towards him. He felt the heat of her body against his own. He smelt the smell of her body wash that still lingered on her skin from her shower the night before. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.

Groggy and very sleepy still, he whispered. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning, baby. It's your big day!" She replied, as she reached down wanting to hold his hand.

He holds her hand, entwining their fingers together. "No, it's our day, baby. What time is it?"

"5:45. We still have time to sleep."

"Good. I'm sleepy." He continues to hold her  hand and dozes back off.

They sleep for another 2 hours and she wakes up at 7:45.

"Baby, it's time to get up." She nudges him gently.

"Do we have to?!"

"Of course we do, Mr. President. Come on." She giggles and gets out of the bed leaving him alone.

"Good. I can go back to sleep."

"If you don't get up, I'm going to dump cold water on you. And besides, my hairstylist and makeup artist are going to be here soon. I'm sure you don't want them to see you in your underwear!"

He quickly gets out of bed.

She laughs at his getting out of bed so quickly. "Works every time."

He stretches and throws a pillow at her. "You're in one of those moods this morning."

"What kinda mood?" She bites her lip flirting with him.

"A mood that makes me wanna....." he leans in, closing his mouth around hers. Exploring her mouth with his tongue.

She relaxes in his embrace and moans against his lips.

After much kissing, she pulls away. "I have to get ready, but trust me. We'll pick back up on that later." She kisses his neck and goes into the bathroom.

He smiles at the thought of her  promising to pick back up later.

He starts getting dressed, trying to ignore the nerves that are welling up in him. "Baby, I haven't even seen your dress for the day."

She's sitting in a chair in the other room getting her makeup done, as the hairstylist finishes the finishing touches on the back of her hair. "Don't come in here. I'll come see you in a minute."

"I love you."

She smiles widely to herself. "I love you too, babe."

After a few more minutes she's completely done getting ready and she slips her powder blue heels on.

She looks into the room he's in and notices he's got his back to her.

She walks in and taps on his shoulder. "I'm ready."

He turns around and immediately is shocked by her beauty. "Oh my gosh. Honey! You are stunning." He wraps his arms around her hugging her.

She smiles smelling the fresh cologne on his neck and feeling his arms around his waist. "I love you."

"I love you too" He let's go of her and wipes a tear from his eye.

"What is wrong, baby?" She asks genuinely concerned.

"I'm just....I don't know. You're beautiful, baby."

"Awwww thank you."

"I want to kiss you, but I don't want to mess up anything. So I'll kiss you later. I promise."

She leans in and softly kisses his lips. "It's just lipstick. It can be replaced. Kiss me, honey."

He leans in and kisses her very so slowly.

They are interrupted by the sound of a Secret Service agent fake coughing to get their attention. "Mr. President-elect and Mrs. Trump, it's time to leave. Your SUVs are waiting for you and your family outside."

"Thank you" He replies.

She gently uses her thumb to wipe lipstick off of his lips then reapplies some to her lips.

They walk out hand in hand. "This is it, baby. From today on you're First Lady Melania Trump." He's giddy and she can tell it.

"You're silly."

They leave and start their big day.

The swearing in ceremony goes by and they are constantly surrounded by people.

He signs his nominees for his cabinet and she's happy to be watching history unfold, but deep down, she just wants a minute alone with him. Just one minute. With no one around. No kids. No cameras. Nobody telling them what to do.

After he signs all of his nominees, it's time for the inaugural luncheon.

Everyone is rushing around and telling them where to go. He just wants to be with her for a second. And he knows she feels the same way. "Can I just have one minute alone with Melania? Just one?"

She sighs relief hearing those words.

"Yes, sir." The room clears out and the door shuts. It's just them. The two of them alone.

She walks over to him closing the distance between them, putting her hands on his sides under his suit jacket. "Congratulations, baby."

He smiles really big at her, "Thanks, honey." He kisses her softly.

She gets emotional looking at him.

"Oh, baby. Please don't cry. It's okay." He rubs her back with one hand and rubs her cheek with the other.

"I'm sorry, darling. It's just that I just watched you achieve everything you've worked so hard for. I don't know of a more deserving person. I love you so much."

He wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace. "I love you. Thank you for your support." He kisses her head and holds her close for several minutes.

"Come on, Mr. President. They are waiting for you." And with that, she kisses him tenderly and off they go to enjoy the rest of their big day.

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