A Different New Years

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Because of the governmental shutdown, Donald had to stay in Washington, D.C., and Melania was in Florida at their Palm Beach Estate, Maralago.

She had only been there a couple hours and she was missing him so bad. She was dreading hosting the Maralago New Year's Eve party alone.

He was in the White House and he was starting to go stir crazy. He was so lonely. He missed her so incredibly much.

He was sitting in the White House Residence and he could not stop thinking about her. So, he did like any husband would do that was missing his wife, he texted her. "Hey, baby. I miss you so much. I can't wait to talk to you soon. I love you.😘"

Melania was in the dining room of their residence at Maralago getting her makeup done and Barron was laying across her bed, waiting until the last minute to get ready.

Her phone buzzed from the night stand. Barron picks it up. "Mom, Dad texted you!" He calls from her room.

"Can you bring it to me, please?" She asks.

"Sure thing." He hits the home button, making the screen light up. "Gross!" He complains as he reads the text from his dad.

"Hey, now! That was meant for me!" She laughs and jerks the phone from his hands.

"You guys are so grossly in love. It's disgusting." He makes a disgusted face and walks out of the room.

Her face instantly lights up as soon as she unlocks her phone and sees the message.

She quickly texts back. "Oh, darling. I miss you beyond words. Its not as fun without you being here. Do you have plans this evening?❤️"

"No, I do not. I plan on calling you at like 12:30. Speaking of which, what are you wearing to this party tonight?😉" He smiles mischievously as he presses send.

She grins from ear to ear. "I'm getting my makeup done now. I'll send you a picture as soon as I get dressed. I can not wait to talk to you later tonight.😍"

He smiles and lays his phone down, waiting for her picture as he works.

She finishes getting ready and walks into her room where there's a huge mirror.

She snaps a picture of herself with her hand on her hip, wearing a long, black dress with a deep V-neck, with black heels.

She looks at the picture, satisfied with how she looks. Sends it to him, "I love you, baby😘😘."

He smiles as his phone dings, knowing he's going to get a picture of his stunning bride. His jaw drops as he sees the picture. He can't believe how incredibly beautiful she looks. "BABY! You look gorgeous!!🤤🤤😍"

She smiles as she reads his message. "Thank you, Mr. President.❤️"

"Be safe tonight, baby. Know I'm missing you and thinking about you. Have fun. I love you, hot momma.😘"

"Thank you, honey. I love you too. I'll call you as soon as I get back to my room. I promise." She sends the message.

"Barron, are you ready?" She calls from the hallway.

"Depends. Are you done sexting Dad?" He walks out, fully dressed in his tux.

She laughs. "We weren't sexting. We were flirting. There's a difference." She winks.

"That is so nasty. You two need a room." He fake gags.

"You're so dramatic. You'll understand one day."

"If you say so."

She stands in front of him and fixes his crooked bowtie. "You look so handsome this evening. And you look so much like your daddy. It almost makes me miss him more."

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now