Happy Birthday!

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Donald's birthday is June 14. In the Trump household, that is like a national holiday. It's Donald's Day. Not that he made it that way, but that Melania did.

She always tries to make his birthday special. No matter how old he is turning, she makes it the most special birthday he's ever had.

His only request for his birthday this particular year was that Barron and Melania would both be home that day and they could relax and do nothing.

Ever since they started dating, they kinda have an every year tradition. She wakes him up in the most intimate way a wife can wake her husband up.

This year was no exception.

It was his favorite birthday tradition and she knew it.

After he was awake and she crawled back up to her pillow, he kissed her. "Good morning, baby girl." He said with a wink.

"Happy Birthday, handsome man!" She kisses him tenderly.

"Well, if the day is anything like my good morning, then it's going to be the best darn birthday of my life." He winks as she giggles.

She had a lot of surprises in store that day and he didn't know a thing about them.

"First thing on the agenda today is breakfast with Barron. Just you and Barron. And you're about to be late. Get up." She jerks the blankets off him.

"I don't want to get up. It's my birthday!" He whines.

"You're going to skip breakfast with your son to sleep in?"

"Well. When you put it that way. I guess I'll get up." He gets up and stretches.

"I'm going to get ready. Enjoy breakfast, baby." They share a kiss and head their separate ways.

He has breakfast with Barron and she stays in their bedroom getting dressed.

He comes in and she's almost completely ready. "You look stunning, babe!" He wraps his arms around her and buries his face in her neck, kissing it.

"Thank you."

"Mmmm you smell amazing. I love you." He whispers against the skin of her neck.

"I love you too. Get dressed. We have somewhere to be."

"Where, baby?" He asks still kissing on her neck.

"None of your business."

He whines as he gets ready. She just grins.

"Oh. Don't get dressed up either."

"Baby, where are we going?!" He asks.

She walks in and puts her hands around the back of his neck. "Since you've been begging me for so long. I thought we could spend a few hours on the golf course then eat lunch. We can come back and take a nap." She says before kissing him deeply.

"Really? You're going to go golfing with me?" He smiles really big.

"Of course!" She reaches in her closet and pulls out a new pair of golf shoes she bought for the occasion.

"Awwww. Baby! You would do that for me?"

"Of course. It's your birthday." She kisses his cheek. "I'm seriously out of practice. So I may not golf because I don't want to slow you down, but I am going."

"Baby, I would love for you to golf too. I'll even go easy on you." He kisses her head. "I'm spoiled."

"Let's go!" They kiss their son bye and head out the door.

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