Our Secret

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Melania grabbed the test, afraid to turn it over.

She took a deep breath and turned it over.

The unimaginable.


She laughed. There was no way she was pregnant. She's too old to have a baby... right?

"Maybe the test is just too old." She thought to herself.

To be sure, she got online and made grocery order to be delivered to their house... with a pregnancy tests included.

Throughout the day, she took numerous tests, just to be sure.

After the 5th one was positive, she knew they must be legit.

She held it in her and as tears rolled down her cheeks. She had so many mixed emotions. Excitement. Fear. Anticipation.

But telling Donald.... That scared her.... How would he take the news? He always only wanted 5 kids. And they weren't exactly planning to get pregnant.

After a few more hours, he came home from his afternoon of golfing. "Baby, I'm home."

"I'm laying on our bed." She called back to him.

He was relieved to see she was resting because he knew she needed it. He walked over, bending over and kissing her several times. "How are you feeling?" He gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

She smiles up at him. "Better now.. go shower so you can come cuddle me. I missed you."

"Let me cuddle you now. I'll shower later." He kisses her head.

"I love the thought, but you're sweaty!" She scrunches her nose up.

"God, you're cute." He bends down and kisses her nose. "I'll be back in a few minutes, baby."

It was all part of the plan. In reality, she would have done anything for him to just hold her, but she purposefully left the tests on the counter for him to see.

He took his shower and got out, as he was drying off, he noticed something on the counter.

When he walked over and picked it up, he was so confused. "Melania, baby, come here for a second."

She started getting nervous as she walked in, shutting the door behind her. "Yes?" She asks.

"What's this?" He holds up the test.

She shrugs. "Surprise....." She whispers. "Please don't be mad... I'm just as shocked as you are.... I wasn't trying..."

He cut her off. "You're pregnant?!"

"Yes." She bit her lip, prepared to be yelled at.

"Baby!! That's amazing!!! That explains why you've been so sick!!" He motions for her to come to him.

"I'm sorry..." She walks towards him.

"Don't be sorry! That is amazing! We made a baby!" He wraps his arms around her, holding her close and she gets emotional. "Hey, why are you crying?" He kisses her forehead.

"I thought you were going to be unhappy with me." She admits.

"Why?! I would never...hey... babies are the biggest blessing." He cups her face, kissing her softly. "You're the best mommy and I can't wait to go through this chapter with you."

"There is no other man I would want to have another baby with." She kisses him back.

Because of their age, they chose not to tell anyone right away. They didn't want to disappoint anyone if something went wrong.

It was hard not to share. Because they were so happy, but they also enjoyed only the two of them knowing. 

Barron was staying the night at a friends and Melania was walking around the apartment in a sports bra as she cleaned.

"Baby, I don't know if we are going to be able to keep this a secret much longer." She said, looking at her reflection in the window.

"Why? I like our little secret." He got up, walking up behind her, kissing her cheek as he held her.

"I'm getting really big. And it's getting hard to hide. People are going to start being suspicious." She rubs her hand over her growing bump.

"When is your next appointment?" He slides his hand around to her belly.

"Next Tuesday."

"As long as everything goes okay, we'll just share the news next weekend while all the kids are here if that's what you want to do." He kisses her head.

"I'm not ready to tell...." She holds his hand, resting on her belly.

"Why, honey?" He kisses her head again.

"People are going to say it's not yours. And I don't want to deal with those rumors."

"We both know darn well that it is my baby. Don't worry about that, sweetheart. Let them talk. As long as we are happy, that is all that's important." He reassured her.

"You're the best daddy. Speaking of daddy.. girl or boy?" She smiles up at him.

"Girl." He kisses her nose. "I want a mini version of you running around this house."

"I love my boy, don't get me wrong, but I want a girl so bad. I'll be happy either way though. I'm just excited to do this with you." She kisses him softly.

Later that evening, they sat watching a movie together. He got up to get a snack for his starving, pregnant wife.

"Babe! Hurry!" She calls from the couch.

He laughs. "I know you're hungry, but I can't make this popcorn pop any faster!"

"No! The baby is moving!" She giggles.

He quickly comes back in the room. "I've been impatiently waiting for this!" He slides his hand onto her belly. "Where?"

She moves his hand to where she had just felt the baby, resting her hand on top of his.

After several minutes, he never felt anything.

"Always quits moving when I come in!" He whines.

"I know. I'm sorry, babe. You'll feel it soon."

"Stubborn like her mama!" He winks.

"Her?" She questions.

"Hey... might as well get used to it now." He laughs and brings her popcorn to her.

"I love you." She gently rubs her fingernails up and down his arm, as she eats.

"I love you more." He kisses her head.

"Thank you for giving me baby." She smiles.

"Thank YOU! I had the easy job, you have the rough part of it!"

"With you, I can make it through anything." She cuddles into his side.

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