Lazy Saturdays

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Saturday mornings were always a favorite in the Trump house. They were still busy, but more relaxed than a week day.

The love for Saturday's only increased as they started their new life in retirement.

Just like every other Saturday, she woke up next to him, which hardly ever happened through the week.

She was still naked from their wild Friday night and she was freaking cold. She quickly moved over and cuddled right into him.

He felt her and immediately wrapped his arms around her. He whispers with his eyes still closed. "Morning, baby."

She smiled and hummed. "Let's sleep for a little longer."

He kisses her head and snuggles her close. "That sounds amazing."

They both dozed back off and slept for a few more hours.

They were awoken by Barron knocking on their door. "I'm starving. Are you two getting up or can I eat breakfast without you?!"

"Go eat!" Donald called.

Melania looked over at his alarm clock. "Oh my God, baby! It's 10:30! We haven't slept this late in forever!"

"Mmmmmm we needed it." He smiled as he ran his hand down her back, whispering. "You're still naked." He grins.

"I know. And I'm cold!" She rubbed her feet up and down his legs.

"Ohhhhhhh... I can warm you up real quick." He winks.

"I'm sure you could." She leaned into his lips, giving him the laziest kiss.

"You're so beautiful, honey." He smiled, kissing her again.

"We should probably get up. I have lunch with Kai this afternoon. And I'm sure you're wanting to golf." She rubbed his cheek with her thumb.

"I wasn't going to golf, but if you're going out, I'll go golf, but not for long. I wanna spend time with you."

"You gonna go to the spa with me?" She winks.

He groans. "Do I have to?!"

"You don't have to... I was just teasing. But I think a good massage will do you good."

"You give me amazing massages and that's enough." He kisses her cheek.

She whispers. "You just like when I give you massages because you know you get to do naughty things to me when I'm done."

"Busted!!" He laughed.

She sat on the edge of the bed. "I know you. I've been with you long enough to know your tricks!"

He took a shower as she did her hair in makeup in the bathroom, then they both got dressed and ready for their day.

He walked out of the room and she was still putting her shoes on. "Hey! You better kiss me before you leave, Donald John!"

"I will baby, I'm not going anywhere yet." He called back.

She comes out carrying her phone. "Okay. I'm all ready. I'll see you later. Have fun. Don't be taking a ton of pictures with people." She winks and wraps her arms around his waist.

He giggles. "You know that's impossible. Everyone wants a picture with this sexy beast!"

She laughs. "I love you." Without her heels, she wasn't tall enough to kiss him without standing on her tip toes, she leaned in for a kiss. To which he was more than happy to give her.

"I'm gonna walk you to lunch." He patted her back.

"You don't have to. I'll be okay." She kissed him again.

"I know but I want to." He informed her, before kissing her head.

He walked her to lunch hand in hand. "Have fun, baby! Don't eat too much." He winks.

"I won't! Have fun and be safe!" She blew him a kiss as he walked off into his awaiting motorcade. 

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