A Long Summer's Drive

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Donald and Melania are romantics. They both love all things romantic. He wasn't a romantic until Melania came into his life. Now he's all for the romantic things of life.

Living in New York, they always busy. There's always somewhere to be. Having a young son, there is always school plays to attend. Red Carpet events that the famous couple are expected to be on. They never just have down time. And Donald sat in his office pondering this.

He was thinking and realized they hadn't been on a date alone in so long. He couldn't even remember the last time. They either go to red carpet events or they are going out with friends. And that is when their young son isn't tagging along.

He misses being alone with her. Not that their relationship is suffering, but he just misses having her undivided attention. They love their son, but he can be quit the distraction.

So. He went to the floral shop, got some flowers and her favorite chocolates.

He went upstairs and found her sitting on the floor coloring with Barron.
"Hey, babe. Come into the kitchen."

She kisses Barron's head. Then walks into the kitchen. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah. Your love. Come here."

She wraps her arms around him. "I've missed you today, baby. She says as she kisses his lips.

"I miss you more. I've got a couple surprises for you." He reaches behind him and gives her the flowers and chocolates. "Here, baby."

"Oh gosh, Donald John! They are beautiful! Thank you so much, honey." She gives him a thank you kiss then smells the flowers.

"I have another surprise for you too."

"Oh?" She asks surprised.

"I know you like being home with Barron for dinner and I understand that. So after dinner, I want to go somewhere. Your mom is coming to stay with Barron. We just need to be alone for a few hours."

"Oh, baby. I've been wanting to do something like this. Can we just drive? I just want to go for a drive. No driver. No little one in the back seat jabbering. Just us."

"That sounds absolutely perfect." He kisses her cheek. "I love you."

She smiles up at him. "I love you too."

They eat dinner and her mom shows up to stay with Barron.

She disappears upstairs and he sits waiting.

Getting tired of waiting, he yells up the stairs. "Babe, are you about ready?"

"I'm coming." She rounds the corner in a hoodie, sweatpants, tennis shoes, her hair in a messy bun, and she has no make up on.

"Wow. You're stunning. Even if you are in comfy clothes." He kisses her cheek as she gets to the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, I'm tired of dressing up all the time. I don't plan on getting out anywhere. So I'm fine. Unless you want me to change."

"Absolutely not. I love this." They kiss and walk out the door.

They walk out to the car, hand in hand. He helps her into the car and they drive off.

"Where we going, baby?" She asks as she reaches over and grabs his hand.

"I don't know. Just to drive. I thought I would stop and get you some ice cream before we go anywhere."

"That sounds yummy. I just don't want to go in anywhere. I look like a bump."

"Oh, you do not. And I'll go in and get it for you."

He gets her some ice cream and they just drive. Enjoying the silence and being together.

She finishes her ice cream then reaches over and rests her hand on his leg as he drives. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. I'm sorry. This is really a lame date." He says being sincere.

"No, it's not. I love being with you no matter what we're doing. Barron's not around. There's no paparazzi around. It's just us. And I love that."

"Awww. Me too, honey. We needed some time away. Life has been so busy." He kisses her hand.

"You're right. Let me have your hand." She grabs his and and entwines their fingers together.

She can't help but to stare at him. She doesn't care what anyone thinks. She thinks he's the most handsome man around. "You're handsome, baby."

"You think?" He chuckles.

"I don't think. I know." She leans over and kisses his cheek. "I'm one lucky girl."

"I consider myself the lucky one. We're the best mommy to Barron. The older kids love you. You love me unconditionally. And my God. You are stunning." He mummers in awe.

"Awwww. Thank you, sweetheart. But I think you're just in love." She giggles.

"No. I know what I'm talking about." He winks at her.

"Okay. Yes. You know everything." She laughs sarcastically.

"You are in a mood tonight."

"I'm not in a mood. I'm in THE mood." She winks and kisses his neck.

"Later, babe." He can't help but laugh.

She runs her hand up and down his thigh. Silently digging her nails in, but really just teasing him.

"Are you trying to get us in a wreck?" He asks jokingly.

"No, but I'm ready to go home."

They had been driving for a long time. The sun had already set and it was dark.

"Barron's gonna already be in bed when we get home."

"I know. That's the point. I don't want Barron to be up." She gives him the look letting him know what she wants.

"Someone is eager." He chuckles.

"Donald John! It's been a week!"

"I know, babe. I'm just teasing. I'll take you home."

She kisses his neck the whole way back to their apartment.

They arrive and he helps her out, but she doesn't need any help. She's on a mission to get her man upstairs.

They sneak in and her mom is waiting for them and Barron is in bed already.

Her mom leaves and she grabs him by his tie and pulls him towards there room.

He laughs the whole way.

This get to their room and she locks the door then pushes him back on the bed before climbing on top of him.

"Thank you for taking me out and getting me away from Barron for a little bit. I needed that." She smiles and kisses his lips softly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, honey. I'm sorry it was boring."

"It was not. I enjoyed every second of it." She presses her lips to his again in a long, slow kiss.

"I love you." He whispers against her lips.

And with that, they quit talking and enjoy each other.

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