A Christmas to Remember

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Donald and Melania had been married for several years and they had the perfect life.

They had their growing son, Barron, who was 13. And the year previous, to their shock, they had added a cheerful and happy baby girl, who they had named Ella Grace. She was almost 2 and they were so excited to have a Christmas with their babies.

Like always, Melania packed for the family and they headed off for their yearly tradition of having Christmas in Palm Beach.

It was Christmas Eve and Donald was acting extremely suspicious. He had given the baby a bath and put her to bed, which was nothing unusual for him, and he came into the room he shares with Melania.

She could tell something was wrong with him and she rolled over, wrapping her arm around him. "What is wrong, honey?"

"Oh.. nothing. Don't worry. I'm fine." He kisses her head.

"Now you're lying to me. What is wrong? Did you forget something at home? Is it Christmas morning? Is the baby acting okay?" She tried to drag it out of him.

He grins. "I'm just extremely nervous about....a gift tomorrow." He explains.

"Well, I know you have not a clue what the kids are getting, even though I've told you 500 times. So, it has to be something you've bought."

"It is... but I can't tell you... you're either going to hit me.... or kiss me." He rubs his head.

She was utterly confused as to what he was talking about. "I'm sure I won't want to hit you. You are an amazing gift giver. Just relax." She leans, over kissing his cheek.

The next morning, he rolls over, groggy, looking to cuddle into her and go back to sleep, but she wasn't there.

He got up and brushed his teeth and wandered into the kitchen looking for her.

"Good morning, handsome." She grinned as she flipped a pancake on the stove. "There is coffee for you."

He walked over, wrapping his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "You have a few more articles of clothing on than when you fell asleep last night." He grins.

"That wasn't my fault. You're the one that took them off of me." She smiles to herself, remembering their extremely racy night.

"Breakfast smells amazing. Where are Barron and Ella?" He asks, looking into the living room.

"Actually.. they are both asleep... in Barron's bed. I am curious to hear how she got there." She sips her coffee, then wraps her arms around him, laying her head on his chest.

He holds her close, rubbing her back. "I know.. I put her in her bed last night."

After a few minutes of solitude, Barron came around the corner, carrying his baby sister, who he adored.

"There is my babies!!!" Melania beamed.

"Daddy!!" The nearly 2 year old declared, seeing her daddy.

Donald took her, kissing her head. "Merry Christmas, baby girl."

Melania smiles so widely at them. It was undeniable that she was a daddy's girl and mommy wouldn't want it any other way.

The growing boy stretched and rubbed his eyes. "Can we eat breakfast first? I am starving."

His parents laughed and they agreed, as they sat at the table.

Donald cut up Ella's pancakes, and put them on her high chair tray.

"Thank you, daddy." The girls beamed at him.

His heart melted. "You are so welcome."

After breakfast, they put the dishes by the sink and settled into the living room.

"Wow.... it looks like we had some good kids this year." Donald wondered aloud.

Melania started passing gifts out to Barron and Ella, who was sitting on her daddy's lap.

Donald whispered to her, but loud enough for Melania to hear. "The way your mom was acting last night, I wouldn't be surprised if you are getting a little brother or sister for Christmas." He laughed, watching her face slowly turn red.

"Donald John!!" Melania laughed.

The gifts were torn through, there was wrapping paper all over the room and 4 happy hearts.

"Babe, can you put Ella's dollhouse together?" Melania asks.

"I will, but I need you to sit on the couch with Ella and close your eyes." He instructed.

"Babe, you have done more than enough for the both of us. Just relax." He kisses his cheek.

"Just sit down."

She did as she asked and waited, as he disappears.

He returned in just a few minutes. "Okay.. you can open."

Both of his girls gasped, as they opened their eyes. "BABY!!!!"

"DADDY!!!!!" Ella jumped off the couch and started jumping up and down.

"You look freaking adore, honey." Melania admitted, looking up at her handsome husband holding a small, brown miniature labradoodle puppy, with a red bow around her neck.

"Surprise." He smiles. "I know you both keep talking about a puppy. So I think it was time to make your dreams come true."

He let the puppy down and Ella immediately started hugging and kissing the puppy.

Melania sat on the floor with Ella, playing with the puppy, so incredibly happy.

"Ella, what are you going to name her?" Donald asks.

"Let's name her......Lucy!"

Melania looks at Donald, shocked. "What 2 year old names their dog Lucy?!"

"I don't know, but I love it." He grinned.

She kisses him, long and slow. "Thank you for everything."

Barron started setting up his new PS5 and helping Donald put Ella's new toys together, while Melania cleaned up the mess.

She started doing their breakfast dishes and Donald wandered in, drying the dishes and putting them away.

It got really quiet in the living room and Donald got curious. He walked around the corner to check on their girl and the sight he saw melted his heart. "Babe... come here please."

"Is everything okay?" She asks as she walks in.

"Oh, it is perfect." He pointed towards the tree, where Ella is laying on the floor, cuddled up with the puppy, asleep.

"Oh my God!!" She wraps her arms around him. "Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever, babe."

"Anything for my family." He whispers, kissing her head. 

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