Suspenseful Birthday

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It was Melania's birthday weekend and Donald had big plans for them. He wanted to spoil her and let her know she was loved and spoiled.

He started the weekend by sending Barron away with Don and Kim. Since Donald and Melania moved to Florida in January, they had not had a weekend alone. And they needed it desperately.

Donald walked into their bedroom where Melania was laying across their bed, carrying a little gift bag. "Hey, baby!" He walked over and kissed her long and slow.

"Mmmmmm." She moaned against his lips.

"Oh, you are going to start that already?" He smirked and kissed her again.

"Your son is gone, so why not have a little bit of fun?!" She smirked.

"It sounds like an amazing idea, but I have plans for us this evening and it starts with this gift bag." He hands it to her, grinning.

"This is a little bag. What the heck is it?" She asked curiously.

"Open it and find out, beautiful."

"But it is not my birthday yet!" She protested.

"Just open it!!!" He laughed.

She finally opened it and found a pair of lacy black panties. "Ohhhhh... what is this?"

"Well, take a shower and put them on." He told her.

"Yes, sir." She kisses his neck and she leaves to take a shower.

Finally, she came out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready for their date night.

"Oh, you look stunning." He looked her up and down. "Do your panties fit?" He asked, smirking.

"You know they do." She grinned and kissed him.

She was bending over putting her shoes on and that's when the teasing began. He smirked to himself as he pulled a little remote out of his suit jacket from behind her back and he pushed a button and her panties started vibrating.

She quickly jumped up and groaned. "What the hell?!"

He laughed. "Surprise!" He held up the little remote.

"You bought me vibrating panties, naughty boy?" She kissed behind his ear.

He whispers in her ear. "We are going to have fun tonight and Daddy is in charge." He grinned.

"I can not freaking wait." She slips her hand into his as they walk to dinner.

Part of her surprise, as they walked onto the patio, her parents were waiting at their table for them.

"You had my parents come?" She beamed at him.

"This is your weekend, sweetheart." He kissed her head and pulled out the chair for her.

As they ate dinner, he slowly would tease her, leaving her completely on edge.

She gripped his thigh under the table, trying to steady her breathing so her parents didn't catch on. She whispers in his ear. "You are going to make me cum sitting at this table, you extremely naughty boy."

"Oh, no, you won't. I won't let that happen." He whispered back as he smirked.

He decided to give her a break and he turned it off.

Part of her was slightly disappointed. The teasing was extremely exciting and made her anticipate what their evening alone would be like. She left her hand on his thigh, gently rubbing with her thumb.

She grinned and decided to do a little teasing of her own. She ran her hand even closer up his thigh, getting dangerously close to his manhood.

He bites his lip as he whispered to her. "Just remember. Two can play that game and you are the one wearing the panties."

She kisses his cheek. "I can't wait to be alone with you."

After the meal was over with much teasing, they walked back to their residence hand in hand.

As soon as the door closed behind them, she shoved him against the door and pulled on his belt. "I want you so freaking bad!!!!" She gave him the biggest hickey on the side of his neck.

"Your wish is my command." He grinned and carried her into their bedroom, tossing her onto their bed.

"Come here. Right freaking now." She motioned.

He hovered over her, whispering in her ear so hot and heavy. "Its a good thing we sent Barron away, because I am going to make you scream." He promised.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She bit her lip as she pulled his belt off.

"You are not playing around tonight, sexy mama." He watched her getting more and more turned on by the second.

"I want you so deep inside me." She informed him, pulling her dress over her head.

"Okay, now this is my job. Lay off." He pushed her back on the bed, pulling on her bra. 

"Donald. I am not kidding. I do not need foreplay. I need you in me. I will use my own hand and take care of myself." She unbuttoned his pants and tried to take them off.

"Yes, ma'am." He wasted no time taking his pants off and throwing them into the growing pile of clothes.

He took her bra off as he sunk into her with no problem, causing her to moan so loud. "YESSSSSSSSSSS, DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!"

It was only a few minutes and he collapsed on top of her, both of them sweating and out of breath.

"Wow, baby." She mumbles.

He smiles and kisses her neck. "Are you sleepy?" He asks as he tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Absolutely not." She grinned and flipped them. "My turn." She grinned and disappeared under the sheets.

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