Swim Lessons

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Since Donald and Melania spent so much time in Florida, they both agreed that their 5 year old son needed swim lessons.

He spent all winter learning how to swim with a trainer in an indoor pool in New York and he couldn't wait to get to Maralago to swim in his pool.

"Mommy, we are swimming, right?!" The boy asked as he watched his mom pack his clothes for the next two weeks.

She laughed at his eagerness. "Yes, son, we will swim."

"Will Daddy?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask Daddy when he gets home." She told the boy.

About that time, Donald walked into the room from his office. "Ask Daddy what?" He asked Barron.

"Daddy!!!!!!!" Barron immediately jumped up and ran over to hug his dad.

Melania's heart melted. She thought she couldn't love Donald anymore, but watching the bond between him and her son, made her fall even more in love with him.

Donald picked the boy up and gave him a big hug. "What were you going to ask me?"

"Will you swim with me while we are on vacation?" The boy asked.

"Of course I will." The truth of the matter was, Donald didn't know how to tell the boy no.

"I'm gonna go get my googles!!" Barron ran out of the room quickly, causing both of his parents to laugh.

Donald hooked an arm around Melania's waist, kissing her. "How's your day been?" He asked sweetly.

"Pretty good, but much better now." She leans towards him, puckered, wanting another kiss.

Donald leans in to indulge in her lips, but they are interpreted by their son busting in the room. "Ewwwww! No kiss!" The boy gagged.

Donald kissed her anyways, causing a reaction from Barron. "Hey, now! I haven't seen your mommy all day and I missed her!"

Barron didn't care. He was just ready to go. And so were his parents. They hadn't been away since Christmas break and they were desperately needing a break.

Melania finished up their packing and she sent the boys to take the suitcase downstairs, while she got ready.

Just like every woman, it took her a little bit to get ready and it was driving Barron insane.

"Come on, Mom!" He yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

She rounded the corner in a sun dress paired with a denim jacket to protect her from the New York air, carrying a sun hat and her laptop bag. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" She called.

Her beauty never ceased to amaze her husband. She left him star stuck everyday. "Wow... you're beautiful!" He thought out loud as he helped her down the last few steps.

"You're just biased and in love." She smiled at him.

He kisses her. "I'm in love, but you're for sure beautiful."

"We know she's pretty, let's go!!!!!" The boy called as he anxiously stood at the door.

No sooner than the plane landed in Florida and they were at Maralago, Barron was begging to get in the pool.

"Come on, Daddy! Let's swim!" He begged.

"Barron, we just got here! We have two full weeks here!"

"I want to swim!!!!!" He pleaded.

"I give up." Melania called from the other side of the room, opening a suitcase and pulling out his little swim trunks.

"YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" The boy jumped up and down.

Donald and Barron ran out to the pool first and Melania came behind shortly after.

Melania preferred just floating around while the boys wrestled in the water. So that's what she did most of the time.

"Mom, can I take my life jacket off?" Barron asked, tugging on the straps.

"Absolutely freaking not!"

"Mommy! I know how to swim! I've learned all winter! Please!"

"No, Barron! I don't like it." She informed him.

"Come on, babe. I'm right here. If he struggles, the jacket goes back on and he doesn't try again until we know for a fact he's ready." Donald persuaded her.

"Okay... but only right by Daddy." Melania got off her raft and swim to the edge of the pool, she couldn't watch. That was her baby and she didn't want him hurt. Even though she knew Donald wouldn't let anything happen to him, it still terrified her.

She heard Donald throw the life jacket out of the pool and she cringed so hard.

"Look, Mommy!!! I'm doing it!!! I'm doing it!!!" The boy proudly called as he swam across the water.

"Way to go, Barron!!!" Donald cheered for him.

Melania still couldn't watch. She was an absolute nervous wreck. "Good job, buddy!" She called, looking the other way.

Donald swam over to her and slid his hand onto her back and he could feel how tense she was. "Baby, relax. He's fine. This is why we paid to get lessons done. He's doing great."

"But that's my baby... and it scares me." She confused her fears aloud.

"Nothing will happen.. we are both right here." He kissed her cheek, trying to comfort her.

"I'm so glad I get to do this parenting thing with you." She leans back on him.

He wraps his arms around her from behind, floating with her. "I couldn't have asked for a better mother to my son." He kisses her cheek.

They both watched as their boy swam all over the pool, having the time of his life. "I mean... Look at us... we created perfection!" He told her, causing them both to laugh.

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