Steamy Weekend Part 1

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Melania had moved back to Maralago after a relaxing summer in New York with her family.

It was time for the couple's 15 year old son, to start his new school year and settle into a routine again.

As much as it was hard on them, Donald had business to take care of in New York and New Jersey. So he was staying behind for a few more months.

The only thing holding the couple together was the promise of seeing each other on the weekends.

Melania was awoken early in the morning to her ringing phone and she groaned as she rolled over.

Her mood quickly changed when she saw his name on her phone. "Good morning, handsome." She smiled into the phone.

"I would do anything to be cuddled up in bed next to you right now." He sighed.

"I would do anything to have you next to me."

"When are you coming to see me?" He asks.

"When am I coming to see you?! You do know planes fly two ways right?!" She chuckled.

"I miss you, babe. I don't like this whole being apart again thing." He rolled his eyes.

"I know, but it's for our son." She reminded him gently.

"I swear to God. When that boy goes to college, we are never doing this again!" He informed her.

A few days had gone by and she must admit, she was beginning to be miserable without him. They had spent the whole summer together and life just wasn't the same without him.

Her mom walked into their Maralago residence one Thursday afternoon.

Melania almost greeted her at the door. "I'm so glad you're here! I need you to do me a favor!"

Her mom laughed. "Yes, dear, like what?"

"Can you stay here with Barron this weekend? Just make sure he gets to school in the morning and then I'll be home before he has to go to school on Monday."

"Of course, darling. Where are you going?" Her mother asked, curiously.

"I'm going to spend the weekend in New York." Melania grinned.

"Ohhhhhhh reallyyyyy?! Any particular reason?" Her mother winked.

"No.. none at all." Melania blushed.

"You mean you don't want to take your son to visit his father?!" She teased.

Melania knew her mother could tell what she wanted. "He can go next weekend."

"Go get em tiger!" Her mom winked.

"Mama!!!" Melania blushed, before hurrying out the door, toward her awaiting SUV.

As the plane started to land in New York, Melania got butterflies. Not only was she surprising her man with being there, but they were also kid free for the weekend.

She looked at her watch.. 8pm it read. Meaning he should be back in their penthouse.

She arrived at Trump Tower and quickly rushed upstairs.

When she opened the door to the penthouse, it was oddly quiet. The tv wasn't even on, but his shoes were by the door and his signature red tie was draped across the back of the couch.

As she started up the stairs, she could hear the shower running in their room.

Luckily for her, he had left the bathroom door open.

She bit her lip and slowly and quietly slid out of her heels and dress, pulling her hair into a bun on top of her head.

She tip-toed into the bathroom, ever so gently opening the curtain, where his back was facing her.

"Care if I join you?" She purred.

Him not expecting her, he nearly jumped out of skin, quickly turning around. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I can leave if you want me to." She bit her lip.

"Get your sexy butt over here!" He grabbed her hand, helping her into the steamy shower.

"Surprise!" She smiled sweetly.

He pulled her to him, his hands resting on her butt as he kissed her long and slow, he pulled away slowly, causing her to groan. "Where's Barron?" He asks.

"In Florida." She leans back into his lips, kissing him deeply.

"Mmmmmmmm." He couldn't get enough of her. He had so many questions for her, but in the moment, he didn't care. He wanted her more than he ever had.

"What's your plans for the weekend?" He asks, between kisses.

"You are my only plans. Now shut up and kiss me!" She demanded.

"I want more than kisses." He whispered against her neck, leaving kisses all over.

"I NEED more than kisses!" She ran her fingers into the back of his hair.

In one swift move, he pushed her against the wall of the shower, hungrily taking one of her breasts into his mouth, causing her to groan loudly.

Everywhere his mouth or hands touched burnt her skin like fire. She wanted him. She needed him. She didn't care who knew it either.

"Donald, please, baby." She begged.

"Tell me what you want." He whispered in her ear, so hot and heavy.

His tone caused a shiver to run down her spine. "Baby, please. Don't make me beg."

He pushed her against the wall and entered her soaking womanhood, causing her to groan so loudly. "Ohhhhhhhhhh, DONALD!"

"I take it that is what you wanted!" He grunted.

After their long, hot, steamy shower, he wrapped her in a towel and carried her to their bed.

"Come cuddle with me." She smiled up at him, her skin glowing.

"I'm gonna cuddle you all night, baby." He laid down beside her, kissing her forehead gently.

She cuddled up in his side, letting her body melt against his. "I needed this." She whispered.

He wrapped her in the warmest embrace. "Thank you for flying all the way here to surprise me." He kissed her gently.

"Thanks for making me feel like the sexiest woman alive." She rubbed his cheek with her thumb.

"You ARE the sexiest woman alive." He informed her.

"What are we going to do with a whole weekend alone? We've not been alone in months, let alone for a whole weekend."

"Oh, I can think of a few things." He chuckled.

"I can not wait." She sighed, closing her eyes, ready for their weekend alone.

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