Stressful Days

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Donald comes home from a long, stressful day in the office.

He comes home to what every man doesn't want to come home to..... a screaming baby, a moody wife, a messy house, and a dinner not fixed.

As soon as he walks in the door, he's immediately annoyed... not taking into consideration how her day maybe going.

She's stressed. The baby has done nothing but cry all day due to teething and a bellyache. She started her period this morning, which broke her heart, as they are on their 3rd month of trying for another baby, with no luck.

She's relieved as soon as he walks in. She just wanted 2 minutes of solitude to get her composure.

She hands him the screaming baby, which furthers his mood in a negative way. "I've had a hellish day and you think I want to come home to this?!" He sets the already upset baby down in his playpen, making him cry louder.

She stops dead in her tracks. "What did you just say?!" Her blood instantly starts to boil.

"It's really not fair that I work my butt off all day... and I come home and you look like a disaster, the baby is screaming, the house is a wreck, and you haven't even thought about dinner!!" There's an edge in his voice that she really can't stand.

She doesn't even turn around to look at him. "You act like I've laid around all day and read!!!!"

"Well, by the conditions of the house, I figured that was pretty accurate!" He falsely accuses.

She turns around, a different kind of fire in her eyes. "You have NO IDEA what goes on here every day!!!!!!"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I do!!!!!" He walks towards her, clearly mad.

She flinches, PTSD from a bad previous relationship. "Are you going to hit me?!!!"

"Don't be ridiculous!!!" He mocks.

She turns her back and heads towards the kitchen, leaving the intense room.

She sobs as she makes dinner. Barron screams until she picks him up. Donald is no where to be found, which only hurts even more.

She's cramping extremely bad. She's exhausted. She's burnt out. Her head hurts. And she's in desperate need of extra support... and a full nights of sleep.

She finishes dinner, spaghetti, a family favorite.

She puts Barron down in his high chair with a serving and she walks towards the stairs. "Donald, dinner is ready!"

She sits down by their now happy baby, eating his spaghetti, becoming quite the mess.

Donald walks down the stairs and comes into the dining room. "Spaghetti... again? We just had that the other night." He moans, clearly annoyed.

That was the last straw. He just pushed her over her breaking point. "IF YOU DO NOT WANT IT, DO NOT EAT IT!!!!!" She snaps.

"Jesus. Calm down." He rolls his eyes as he sits down.


"YOU DON'T THINK I HAVEN'T HAD A BAD DAY?!!!" He yells back, causing Barron to fuss, sensing the tension between his parents.

"I'm done." She gets up, throwing the pot of spaghetti in the trash, picking up their fussing baby and she walks out the door. The boy covered in spaghetti and her an absolute mess herself.

"Get back here!!! Where are you going?!!" He starts to follow her.

She quickly turns around. "Do not follow me!!! We are DONE!!!!!!"

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