Pay Up!

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2002 was an exciting year for Donald and Melania.

He didn't run for President. She moved in with him. It was just all around a good year.

One November evening, they decided not to go out for dinner. He was recovering from bronchitis and she didn't think he was ready to be out yet.

"Baby, I can call something in and we can cuddle and watch movies." He suggested.

He was still stuffy and sneezing a lot, so she thought the staying in part was best.

"I'll cook. And then we can watch movies." She offered.

"You cook!? Whatever! You can't cook." He laughed.

"You better believe I can Mr. Trump." She said with crossed arms.

"I bet you can't!" He still doesn't believe her.

"You wanna bet? Let's bet. If I cook the whole meal and dessert, you have to take off work and take me shopping all day. You win, I'll do whatever you want in bed." She said confidently.

"Deal!" He reached over and shook her hand.

He had to win. Not only because he wanted her between the sheets, but he HATED shopping. And she knew it.

So he sat in the dinning room and watched her cook.

He was pleasantly surprised. She knew her way around the kitchen.

First she made his favorite chocolate cake and put it in the oven because it would take the longest.

Then she started frying pork chops, which was another one of his favorites. She had potatoes on the stove for mashed potatoes, corn on the stove, and green beans.

He was amazed. She knew what she was doing, but he knew he had to sabotage it. He never loses bets and he certainly was not going to lose this one.

So he walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "You're sexy in the kitchen, babe." He kissed her neck.

She turned around in his arms. "I love you." She kissed him deeply.

Even though he's enjoying the kiss, it's time to sabotage her meal as she kisses him.

While she's kissing him, he reaches around her and starts turning all the knobs on the stove.

He pulled away then went to the living room like nothing happened. "Thanks for the kiss, babe."

She went to the oven and pulled out the gorgeous looking cake. Then she started smelling burnt food. "Donald John! What have you done?!"

He comes in acting surprised. "What do you mean what have I done? I didn't do anything."

"The food is burning! I didn't set it on this setting! You did this!" She knows he did do it, and deep down she really doesn't mind.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Obviously you don't know how to cook." He helps her dump all the burnt food in the trash. Then turns around and smacks her butt. "Pay up, baby!"

"Okay. Okay. You win, but you did cheat." She winks and bit her lip as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

"I won fair and square. Now it's your turn to pay up. And you know what I want."

She did. She licked her lips and slowly pulled his shorts off.

"God! Baby!" He said, panting from his payment for winning the bet.

She giggled and curled into his side. "I love you."

"I love you more now. And geez. You know how to work that mouth!" He wrapped his arms around her and held her.

"I'm tired. And obviously I can't cook. So you should call something in." She whispers.

"Baby, I did sabotage you, but you certainly do know how to cook. You surprised me in the kitchen earlier. Next time I promise I won't sabotage you. And I'll call something in."

"Thank you." She smiled and fell asleep with her head on his chest awaiting their dinner to come.

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