Last Christmas

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Melania had decorated the White House for Christmas, possibly for the last time. She was incredibly proud of the decorations this year, but no one would be prouder than Donald.

He got held over in a meeting, and he accidentally forgot to text Melania.

He decided to take the long way to the Residence. He wanted to wander through the White House, in silence, admiring his baby's hard work.

He slowly walked through the hallways and rooms, smiling from ear to ear. He wasn't Christmas-crazy, but he didn't hate it either, but these decorations made his heart smile.

He finally made his way upstairs to find the Residence quiet and dark.

He peaked in Barron's room and he was sound asleep on his bed.

He made his way into the kitchen and ate a cold, leftover dinner.

He opened their bedroom door quietly, hoping not to wake her, if she was already asleep.

He closed the door behind himself, cursing under his breath when the door made a loud sound.

She rolls over, smiling. "Hey, handsome."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't wake me. I was worried about you, because you didn't text." She sat up on the bed.

"SHOOT! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot." He walks over, kissing her long and slow. "I'm going to go shower. I'll be right back."

"Hurry back, I haven't seen you all day!" She pouts.

"Oh, don't start. You didn't miss me." He teases, as he walks backwards towards the bathroom adjoining their room.

She sits up and chucks a pillow at him. "Go!"

"I'm going. I'm going!!" He shuts the bathroom door, quickly hoping in and within minutes, he's out, brushing his teeth before heading back to his girl.

He opens the door, turning off the lights. He wasted no time, crawling in bed, hovering over her.

"What are you up to?" She asks, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I've missed you today." He grins, sucking her neck.

"I always miss you. I'll be ready for a normal routine." She openly admitted that she was ready for their life to go back to normal, after their adventure in the White House.

"I went and admired your AMAZING decorations today." He grins. "They are absolutely beautiful, you did so good, baby girl. The decorations are stunning." He beamed so proudly.

She blushes. "I'm glad you like them. I worked my butt off."

"Oh GOD!!!! THAT IS A TRAVESTY!!!!" He reaches around her, squeezing her butt cheeks. "Thank God... there's still something there... that's one of my favorites." He winks.

She laughs at his antics. "You're such a flirt."

"I think... you need rewarded for your hard work." He bites his lip.

"How so?" She was beyond eager, life had been busy. And they hadn't taken the time for each other.

He took the tie of her robe, pulling it with his teeth until it fell open. "Oh.... you're naked." He looked up at her, his eyes wide like a happy little boy.

"Did you except anything different?" She winks.

"Never." He starts kissing his way up and down her body, making her groan with every kiss.

The desire becoming so strong. "Please... quit teasing me... and help me!" She pleaded through groans.

"Your wish is my command, Mrs. Trump." He grins as he throws his boxers on the floor.

A White House RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now