A New Baby

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Donald and Melania had been married for a few short months when she found out she was expecting their first child.

They were both over the moon about it. They wanted a baby together, but they just didn't know when it would happen.

She enjoyed pregnancy. She enjoyed the movements she left, she loved when he would talk to her belly, and she loved watching her body change.

Donald, of course, was all about the body change too. She gained weight in all the right places and he loved it.

She was getting to the point where sleep was restless. She couldn't put her socks on easily. Shaking her legs was almost a joke. Yet the whole time he was understanding and loving.

They were sitting on the couch cuddled up together and she had her feet on the coffee table.

"Gosh. My toenails are looking awful. This is the first time I've seen them in a few weeks." She looked at her feet in disgust.

"Oh whatever. You're pregnant. Your toenails look fine!" He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Baby, I'm too big now to reach them, will you paint them for me?" She asks with puppy eyes.

"Of course, darling." He replies kissing her head. "What color?"

"Surprise me!" She blew him a kiss.

He disappeared down the hallway. Several minutes later, he comes back with some epsom salt, a tub of hot water, toenail clippers, and baby blue nail polish.

"Oh, honey. Not all this."

"Of course. You deserve it. And besides. Your feet look a little swollen today. Let me take care of you." He kisses her gently then rolls her pajama pants up and puts her feet in the water.

"They are swollen today, aren't they?" She asks.

"A little. You've been doing too much getting the nursery ready." He says as he picks her feet up and massaging them.

She just smiles watching him. She's not really sure how she got so lucky. He's an amazing husband, taking care of her every need. She couldn't wait to watch him be a father to their baby boy.

"What do you think about having a boy?" She questions, as they've only found out the day before.

"I like it. I think you'll be a great boy Mom." He knows this is true. She is going to be a great mom no matter what the gender is.

"I'm sorry it's not a girl. I know how bad you wanted a girl."

"Don't apologize, honey. I'm just as happy with a boy. If you want a girl, we can try again." He smiles and she instantly knows he's telling the truth.

"What do you want to name him?" She wonders a loud.

"I don't know. I like the name Barron, but I've never been brave enough to use it. It's whatever you want, baby."

"Hmmmmm. I like that name." She truthfully did.

He gently clips her toenails to the lengths she prefers, then gets the polish ready. "Baby blue for my baby carrying my baby boy."

She beamed at him. He was literally the sweetest man she had ever met. She would never understand how she got so lucky.

After he was finished, he went and put everything away. She sat on the couch waiting for him.

He comes back and sits down, putting his arm around her. "I love you." He says, kissing her head.

"I love you too. Thank you for taking care of me and our baby boy." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"I love taking care of you and that baby boy." He replies, as he rubs her back gently with his hand.

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