Birthday Surprises

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It was Melania's 48th birthday and Donald had spoiled her completely rotten all day, but there was one surprise he was looking forward to the most.

After a dinner out, they get in the car together.

"One more surprise." He whispers.

"More?! Baby! You've done enough!" She gives him a look, letting him know she means business. "What this time?"

"You'll find out when we get home. And we're alone. In our room. With the door locked." He winks.

"Ohhhh, Donald John!" She whispers.

He runs his hand up her thigh, sending goosebumps down her back and arms.

She couldn't help it, no matter how hard she fought, a moan escapes her mouth.

"This is going to be fun. I can already tell." He whispers with pure desire in his voice.

They finally arrived at the White House and they were beyond relieved to see Barron was asleep.

"You got lucky this time, momma!" He smacks her butt as they walk down the hallway

"Mmmmmmm." He can't help it.

He locks their bedroom door. "There's one rule."

"What would that be, sexy butt?" She asks.

"You have to be blindfolded and cuffed to the headboard." He winks.

"Whatever you want." She lays on the bed, letting him take complete control.

He hovered over her, kissing her neck, cuffs her hands, and blindfolds her.

"You've never blindfolded me." She giggles.

"Suspense, baby. I want you to relax and just let your body respond, okay?" He kisses her cheek.

"Whatever you want baby."

He gently lays her back and slowly starts pulling her clothes off, piece by piece.

"Baby, What are you gonna do?" She asks.

"I'll be easy and treat my girl like a queen. I won't do you wrong." He mutters, with his face nuzzled in her neck.

"I never fear you when it comes to being in the bedroom." She finds his face and rubs his cheek with her thumb.

He slowly begins sucking on her neck. Successfully leaving a hickey on both sides. Causing her to moan, loudly.

"You're making me crazy with those moans." He admitted.

He kisses up and down her arms, then he finds her boobs. He sucks on one and massages the other, causing her moans to deepen and become groans.

He kisses down her belly, up and down her thighs, then teases her by kissing her inner thighs.

"Baby!" She starts begging.

"What, darling?" He surprises her by kisses her mouth, swirling his tongue all around her mouth. "Did you need something?"

"You. Right now." She begs.

"Baby, you're begging." He teases.

"If I wasn't cuffed, I would so......." She's cut off by the feeling of his mouth on her sensitive womanhood. "DONALD JOHN!" She arches her back, grinding into his mouth without even realizing it.

"Mmmmmmm, baby!" Deepens his kissing and licking.

"BABBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYY!" She thrashed on the bed, not being able to move.

"Dang it, Melania! You're sexy!" He teases her by kissing all around where she wants.

"Please! I'll do anything! Please, baby! Please!" She begs

"Oh. Anything? I'll do better." He throws his boxers on the floor with the rest of their clothes.

"Mmmmmmmmm. I think that was your boxers that just hit the floor?" She asks.

He spreads her legs and enters her in one swift motion.

It didn't last long with their intense moans and screams.

He collapses on the bed beside her. "That was amazing!"

"I'm not being impatient, but can you let me loose?" She asks.

"Oh, babe. I'm so sorry. I forgot." He quickly uncuffs her and takes the blind fold off.

"That was so incredible." She wraps her legs around him, cuddling in.

"I have to agree." He admits.

She leans over and kisses him slowly and passionately. "I love you."

"Happy birthday, my love." He holds her and they cuddle up and fall asleep.

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