We Needed This

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Donald and Melania's love life sometimes suffered because of the presidency, but they tried to make time for each other.

Donald was in his office in the residence on the phone and she couldn't get him out. She was slightly annoyed, but didn't say anything.

She laid on their bed, scrolling through the internet on her phone. She tried to keep up with what was going on in the social media world as they have a young son and she wanted to know what he was seeing and doing.

She saw a Tiktok tried for couples and she got a genius idea. She was gonna try it...

She bit her lip as she got into the shower, excited for what the night may bring.

She finished her shower, dried her hair, and wrapped a towel around herself.

She opened their bedroom door, looking down the hallway to make sure there wasn't anyone around and she tiptoed down the hall to his office.

As she shut the door behind her, she noticed him sitting at his desk, on a phone call and he looked up at her. His glasses perched on his nose, his tie draped over the back of his chair, and his top few buttons undone.

She bit her lip, locking the door behind herself, him watching her suspiciously.

She walked a little closer to his desk and she stopped, dropping her towel, revealing her naked body underneath the towel.

His reaction was just what she wanted. He instantly coughed, "Ummm... Don... I'm gonna.... need to go.... something has come up." He immediately hung up, dropping his phone on his desk.

"What did I do to deserve this?!" He patted his leg for her to sit down.

She happily indulged. "Our love life has kinda been suffering lately... and I knew you needed a distraction." She kissed his cheek, grinning.

"I love when you get in your naughty little moods." He starts kissing down her jawline, grinning.

"Let's.... go to bed." She smiles as she starts unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt.

He happily carried her to their bed, her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands snakes around his neck.

She moans as he tosses her back on the bed, hovering over her, wanting her more than anything.


The next morning, Melania lays naked in her handsome husband's arms.

He had woke up before her, softly kissing her nose and lips, but cuddling back up to her, falling back to sleep.

A few hours goes by and they are both woke up, by a loud knock on the door.

"Mom!!! I'm starving! What is for breakfast?!! It's almost 10!!" Their growing teenager complained.

She groaned and nuzzled into Donald's neck.

Donald smiled, knowing she was still tired. "Barron, just go find something. We'll eat lunch together this afternoon."

"You guys are literally so disgusting!" Barron grunted, as he left.

"I would think at 14, he would leave us to sleep in at least very once in a while." She whined.

"I'm just glad he finally learned to knock." She grinned against his neck, as he squeezed her butt.

"That is very true." She cuddled up in his arms. "I don't want to get up. I just want to lay naked in your arms."

"I love you so much." He gently tips her chin and kisses her long and slow.

"We needed this. So badly." She relaxes. "Even though you made me sore." She grins.

"I guess we're getting a little old to make love all night long." He laughs, kissing her head.

"I think I'm ready to go back to sleep." She sighs.

"Go back to sleep, sweetheart." He rubs his hand up and down her back.

She smiles, dozing off in his arms again, as he watches her sleep, he smiles so big, wishing he knew how lucky he was. 

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