Cooking Lesson

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Melania was kinda a health nut and Donald made fun of her for it. She always nagged at him for giving their young son, Barron, candy, chips, and soda.

Melania was going out of town for the weekend and she was rather scared of what he baby boy would be eating. Because quite frankly, Donald could not cook and Melania knew it.

Her point of him not being able to cook was proven one afternoon. She came in from shopping and smelt tuna.

She walked into the kitchen and he had mixed bbq sauce in a can of tuna and was eating it as a sandwich. She thought it was nasty and she feared it was that kind of gross stuff that her son would be eating for 3 days.

So she decided that Donald needed a cooking lesson. And she knew he would be thrilled about it.....not

He came home from work expecting to smell the aroma of dinner on the stove and he was disappointed when he didn't find it. "Babe, I'm home!"

"I'm in the living room cuddling with Barron and watching Toy Story." She sounded happy and that made his heart happy.

"Shocker." He thought to himself.

"Hey, baby." She smiled that gorgeous smile at him as he walked in the room.

He walked over and kissed her lips then Barron's cheek. "I missed you too today!"

"We missed you too, Daddy." The five year old said.

Melania just smiled. She absolutely adored the relationship her husband and son shared.

"Hey, Barron, Momma and Daddy are going to the kitchen. If you need anything, just yell." She told him as she wrapped his blanket around him and sat him on the couch by himself.

Donald curiously followed her into the kitchen. "Why the kitchen?"

"Because I have a surprise for you." She put her hands on his side and stood on her tip-toes and kissed his lips softly.

"And what would that be?" He asked.

She opened the pantry door and handed him one of her aprons. "You're getting a cooking lesson."

"What?! Why?!" He asked.

"Because I'm going out of town and I don't want Barron eating a bunch of garbage."

"We can eat ou........" he started to say, but she cut him off.

"You are not eating out 3 times a day for 3 days!" She interrupted.

"Dang it!"

"Sorry. You're on daddy duty!" She winked.

She started getting the stuff out they would need. "We're going to make several things. So I know he is eating right."

He couldn't help but notice how good she looked. "Baby, you're beautiful."

"Focus, Donald John!"

"Okay. Okay." He looked away but still kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

She handed him some ground burger. "Put this in a pan and brown it."

"Okay, babe." He opened the package and started browning the burger.

She stood on the other side of the kitchen dicing an onion.

He walked over and wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her neck. "Need some help?" He asked between kisses on her neck.

"No, baby. I know how to cook." She said as she slid the diced onion into the browning burger.

He again wrapped his hands around her. "Can we just order pizza tonight? I'm more interested in cooking up something in the bedroom.

"Baby!" She gasped.

"I can't help it. I want you." He kissed all over her jawline.

"The feeling is mutual, but Barron is awake!"

He looked into the living room and saw their son asleep on the couch. "He's taking a nap, baby."

She turned the stove off. "How does pizza sound for dinner?" She asked biting her lip.

"Amazing! I always like dessert first." He winked and picked her up, carrying her straight to their bedroom.

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