Bad Day

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Donald doesn't have bad days very often. He's usually happy-go-lucky and just enjoys life, but when he does have a bad day, it's bad.

Melania dreads his bad days. Because he's rather grumpy and she just genuinely feels sorry for him.

Donald was having a good day, but then a book full of lies was dropped about him. From then out, the day just got progressively worse.

He was terribly grouchy when he got home and Melania knew it as soon as he walked through the door.

"Babe, I'm home." He says with an attitude and storms to his in home off.

She is utterly confused and heads into his office. "What is your deal? You didn't even kiss me."

"I'm sorry. I'm like in no mood to be around anyone. I'm fed up. I'm ready to punch someone in the face and I really don't want to take that anger out on anyone." He admits honestly.

"I'm your wife. It's okay. I want to be with you. I've missed you today. A whole bunch." She gently sits on his lap and wraps her hands around the back of his neck. "I love you."
She says as she leans in and captures his lips in her own for the longest time.

"You're sweet honey. I've missed you so much today. It's been the worst day ever."

"Well, you're all mine now." She kisses him again.

"I love you." He tells her, and they both know it's true.

He expected her to leave, but she didn't. She pulled up a chair on the other side of his desk and propped her feet up on his desk and sat back in the chair on her phone.

"What are you doing, baby?" He asks.

"Just tweeting about the hurricane. Why?"

"No, I mean in here. You don't have to stay." He tells her.

"I know, but I've missed you. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. Relax and get your stuff done so we can go to bed after dinner." She tells him reassuringly.

So he works on paperwork that has to be done and she sits with her feet propped up, reading a book.

He looks up at her and her beauty stuns him once again. "You look beautiful, baby."

"Awwww, thanks, honey." She was wearing a rather baggy sweater, leggings, her slippers, her hair in a mess bun on top of her head, and no makeup.

"I love this look. Because only I see it. Well, besides Barron. Your natural beauty. You don't need all that add on stuff."

"Whatever. Makeup saves this old lady in pictures. It hides my blemishes." She chuckles.

"Blemishes my butt. And you're not old. I don't even want to hear it from you." He teasingly rolls his eyes and laughs.

She looks up and blows him a kiss and winks. She can already tell he's a whole lot happier.

"Baby, come here."

She gets up and looks over his shoulder. "Whatcha need, honey?"

"You." And he gently pulls her into his lap and holds her around the waist. "I love you."

"I love you too. So much."

They kiss for the longest time. Romantic, loving kisses. Kisses that express love more than any words can.

They were abruptly interrupted by their preteen son standing in the door way, very loudly clearly his throat.

She slowly starts to pull away from his lip, and he whines.

"Do you need something?" Donald asks kinda annoyed that she pulled away.

"Ummmm yeah. Come on you nasty love birds. Dinner is on the table." Barron tells them.

"I think we're going to skip dinner." Donald laughs then goes back to Melania's lips, tightening the grip on her waist.

"So gross!" He fake gags and rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I guess I'll eat alone." Then he disappears down the hallway.

Melania giggles against his lips. "Come on. We need to eat with him. We haven't been together as a family in 2 days."

He whines. "Baby!?"

"Come on. We can kiss later." She laughs and pulls him up out of his chair.

"But I want to kiss you!" He admits slapping her butt as they walk.

"Dessert always comes after dinner." She winks and holds his hand as they walk into the dinning room.

Barron is pleasantly surprised to see them. "I see you two decided to come up for air."

They both laugh as Donald pulls out her chair for her. Then sits down beside her.

His hand immediately goes to her thigh and it rests there the whole meal.

When they were nearly done eating, Melania decided to break the bad news to Barron.

"Barron, everyone is going to bed early tonight. Dad and I are both extremely tired. You can play on your Xbox or iPad until 10, but after 10 you better turn everything off."

"Yes! I wanted to go to bed early. I'm tired." He admits honestly.

She's surprised to hear this, but she's not complaining.

Donald sits down on the couch as Barron and Melania do homework at the table.

His homework is done and they are both happy about it.

She walks into the living room. "Come on, baby. Let's go to bed."

He gets up, they go into Barron's room and tell him goodnight, then into their room.

He notices she locked the door when she came in, but he decided to not say anything.

"Baby, I'm gonna take a shower real quick."

"Be fast. I want to snuggle up with you." He tells her.

"I promise. I'm going." She shuts the door and he hears the shower water come on.

It wasn't ten minutes later and she walked out in a robe.

Oddly, she walked over to the bed and took her robe off, revealing a red, lacy bra and thong.

He was shocked, but definitely not complaining. "I like where this is going." He admits as she crawls up the bed.

"Do you now?" Hovering over him, she kisses him deeply and passionately.

She finally pulls away. "I'm going to make this bad day end on a positive note, Mr. President." She winks and disappears under the cover.

He was very so happy when she cuddled up beside him a long time later. "Baby!"

"What?" She winks.

"That as amazing."

"Glad you enjoyed it. I hope you feel better now."

"I do. Thank you."

She cuddles up next to him and he wraps his arm around her.

He notices she's still wearing her lingerie. "Baby, are you going to put some pajamas on?"

"I wasn't planning on it, but if you would prefer me to be dressed, I can." She tells him.

He laughs. "Yeah, no. I would never choose pajamas over this. I just didn't know. Barron comes in sometimes."

"The door is locked and my robe is right there. Hang on. I'll put something on."

He grabs her arm and pulls her back on the bed. "No. Get over here. If the door is locked it doesn't matter. I like this." He kisses her head.

"I love you." She cuddles up in his side again.

"I love you too." He wraps his arms around her barely clothed body and they drift off to sleep together.

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