Killing a Bug

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Donald and Melania had been married a little over 6 years and they had a happy, healthy, and beautiful little boy- Barron William.

When Barron was just a baby, Donald and Melania decided that keeping the romance alive in their marriage was essential.

Donald was extremely good making sure the heat was all the way up, every time Melania wanted it. And she loved that about him. Since she's a full time, stay at home Mom, one-on-one time was crucial to her.

Donald left for work one morning, leaving Barron and Melania cuddled up in bed.

Melania slept until she was awoken by a little boy, tapping her. "Mommy, I'm hungry."

She opens her eyes and grins at him. "Good morning, handsome little boy. Come cuddle for a few minutes." She pulls back the covers, letting him crawl in with her.

She wraps her arms around her little boy, holding him close. "Where is daddy?"

"He left for work." She kisses his head.

"But it's Saturday. Daddy always sleeps in with us on Saturday." He looks at her so confused.

"It's only Friday, baby boy. Daddy will sleep in with us tomorrow. I promise." She runs her fingers through his hair.

He cuddled with her for almost an hour. "Mommy?" He pokes her.

"Yes, B?" She asks, smiling.

"I'm hungry now." He rubs his belly.

"Let's go get you some breakfast. Let me brush my teeth and I'll meet you downstairs." She kisses his cheek and gets up.

He runs down the stairs and waits in the kitchen for his mom.

Within a few minutes, she walks down wearing her robe, no makeup, and her hair in a bun on the top of her head.

"Mommy, you are beautiful."

"Awww, buddy! Thank you." Her heart melts.

"What's for breakfast today, handsome boy?"

"Ummmm. Lets see. How about some oatmeal?" He pushes a chair into the refrigerator, climbing up, getting a bottle of orange juice, before climbing up to watch his mommy.

She gets him his breakfast and makes herself a smoothie, sitting down with him.

She texts Donald while Barron eats his breakfast.

Melania- I miss you.

Donald- I wanna be cuddled up in bed with you so bad.

Melania- Barron was so disappointed when he realized you weren't in bed this morning.

Donald- I'll see you guys for lunch😘

"Hey, mommy, I have a question for you." The boys eats his oatmeal.

"Sure." She puts her phone down, giving him her full attention.

"So... what was those sounds coming from yours and daddy's room last night." He asks, innocently.

She almost spits her smoothie, so taken aback. "What? There were no sounds."

"Yes, there were! I heard them. I heard you! 'Yesssssssssss, daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" He mocks her.

She can feel her face, turning red. "We were.... ummm.... killing a bug!"

"What kind of bug?!" The boy asks, curiously.

"A...... spider." She spits out, still in shock.

"You should have called me! I could have killed it!" He smiles proudly.

Melania sits back in relief, that she got off the hook, as he eats his breakfast.

Donald comes home for lunch, finding Melania  in the kitchen alone. And he wraps his arms around her waist from behind. "Hey, baby."

She smiles, as she finishes up a plate of his favorite-  a meatloaf sandwich. "Hey, handsome!"

He kisses her cheek. "I've missed you."

"We've missed you more." She leans back against him.

He bites his lip, whispering in her ear, so sexily. "I've had a hard time focusing today... every time I try to.... I get flashbacks of our sexy night last night." He nibbles at her ear.

She quickly turns in his arms. "Oh, so let me tell you something, big boy!"

"Ohhhhhh look at mama!" He grins.

"Oh! Just your son!" She crosses her arms.

"What about him? He's perfect. Like me!" He winks.

She mocks Barron. "Mommy, what were those noises in your room last night?! 'Yessssssss, daddyyyyyyyyyyyy!'"

Donald dies laughing. "He was awake and mommy was too loud!" He laughs so hard, he's almost in tears.

"It's not funny!" She exasperates, trying not to laugh because he's laughing so hard.

"How did you save that one?" He wipes the tears from his eyes as he laughs.

"We were killing a spider!" She glares at him and teasingly rolls her eyes.

He pushes her against the counter and whispers in her ear. "Tonight I'll just have to gag you."

She bites her lip so hard. "Don't tease me like that."

"Oh, you'll see... it won't be teasing. I fulfill my promises." He leans into her lips, giving her a taste of the night she has waiting for her.

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