Not In The Mood

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Since the presidency had ended, Donald and Melania spent most of their time together. As much as they hated it, the occasional business trip would come up.

Donald was the latest lucky one to have a business trip. He had a rally in Arizona and they both agreed that it would be best for him to fly into California for the rest of the weekend. He could golf and enjoy a change of scenery.

Even though she knew he needed a break, she still missed him. Terribly. It was harder being away from him for any length of time, now that they were so used to spending so much time together.

She was ever so happy to hear him come in the door.

"Melania, I'm home." He called out, as he walked in the door.

She walked around the corner. "Hey, handsome!" She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, smiling.

He leaned in, finally kissing the lips he missed so much. "I missed you so much, honey. You look beautiful by the way."

She kissed him back, grinning. "Thank you, sweetheart. And I missed you too. SO much."

He jumped in the shower to wash the travel ick off and she opened his suitcase, starting the laundry and beginning the process of unpacking him.

He settled in the couch to relax for the evening and he could hear her messing with his laundry in the room down the hall. "Come in here, babe. That can wait. I missed you."

"Give me a few minutes. I'm almost done." She called back.

"You should let me pay someone to do laundry!" He laughed.

"Over my dead body is another woman doing our laundry." She jokingly rolled her eyes as she grabbed a blanket and cuddled up beside him.

"I missed this." He wraps his arm around her, kissing her head.

"It was a long few days without you." She held his hand.

"Let's not do that again for a while." He smiles.

"I'm perfectly fine with that."

Later that night, he was already in bed when she crawled in bed with him. He could instantly tell she was in the mood by her body language.

She cuddled up beside him, kissing his neck all over, she whispers. "I want you so bad." She grins against his neck, running her hand over his bare chest.

He sighed. "Baby."

"What?" She stops and looks up at him.

"I'm really tired and quite honestly, I'm really not in the mood for this tonight." He admits, honestly.

She was extremely disappointed and kinda hurt, but she didn't want to show it. "Oh... I'm sorry.."

"Tomorrow. I promise." He kisses her head.

"Yeah.. fine.. whatever." She moves to her side of the bed and turns the lamp off.

"Goodnight, baby. I love you." He leaned over, kissing her cheek.

She didn't say anything back. She laid with her back to him, staring into the darkness.

He was exhausted from his long flight across the country and he fell asleep almost instantly.

It took her forever to fall asleep, just like it had every other day he was gone. She was so annoyed that she wasn't sleeping any better now that he was home.

He woke up the morning and rolled over to her side of the bed. "Good morning, sexy...." He opened his eyes to find her side of the bed empty. He sat up confused. She was usually never up before him, especially after he had been gone for several days.

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