Jealousy And Ice Cream

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Donald and Melania were beyond thrilled about the news of their new baby.

They had gone to several doctor appointments and discovered that her and the baby were perfectly healthy, much to their relief.

She struggled with some pretty intense cravings and morning sickness, but that was about it.

Donald loved taking care of her. She hated that he thought she couldn't do a thing on her own these days, but she was enjoying the extra time with him.

She was laying across their bed when he came in from work. "There's my babies!" He smiled so big.

He walked over to the bed, leaning down and kissing her several times. "How are you feeling?"

She smiled up at him. "Pregnant." She giggled.

"Can I?" He asks, before lifting her shirt.

"For the thousandth time, you don't have to ask, baby!" She jokingly rolls her eyes.

He slowly lifts her T-shirt over her belly, revealing her perfectly round belly. Even though it wasn't very big, he was still obsessed with it. And she loved how much he loved it.

He kisses her belly several times. "Hey, little one, Daddy missed you today. I love you." He kisses her belly again. 

"God, Donald. It gets me every time!" She puts a finger to her eye, trying not to cry. "I love you so much."

"I love you more than I did yesterday, beautiful." He kisses her nose. "What's your plans for the evening?"

"Make sure you and Barron are fed, then cuddle with you. Unless there's something else?" She asks, rubbing her hand over her belly.

"Well, if you could get that little stinker to kick again tonight before I leave for the weekend, that would be great." He laughed.

"I'll see what I can do." She winked.

Later that evening, she fixed spaghetti for dinner, Donald and Barron's favorite.

He was standing in the kitchen with her, a hand resting on her belly, and his lips lingering not too far from her neck and own lips. They were kissing and laughing, when their teenager son came in the room.

"You guys are literally so disgusting." He rolls his eyes at their games.

"If we weren't 'disgusting', you wouldn't be getting a sibling!" Donald informs him, causing Melania to giggle.

He rolled his eyes and kept walking.

"He's been extra moody lately." Melania informs him.

"Really? That surprises me, I thought he would be extra helpful with you and the baby." Donald kisses her head.

"No, I quit asking him to help me do things because it just ends up being a screaming match and I don't need that stress right now."

Donald could tell it bothered her. "I'll talk to him, baby, don't worry about it." He kisses her softly again.

"You're the best daddy. I couldn't have asked for a better man to be partnered with, raising these babies." She leans into his lips. "I love you."

"Man, you're sentimental today!" He grins, smacking her butt.

They sat at the table and like normal, they asked Barron about his day, then the conversation turned to the baby and things that needs to be done.

Then Barron snapped.

"Can we talk about something besides this stupid baby?!!" He hits the table.

"I'm sorry?" Donald asks, both Donald and Melania, looking at each other shocked.

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