Valentine's Day

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Barron's first year of life was hard on his new parents. They loved their boy, but it was a far cry from their previous life where they came and went as they pleased and got a full 8 hours of sleep a night.

It was Valentine's Day and it was just like any other day in the Trump Household.

Donald got up early for work, leaving before either Barron or Melania was up.

Melania was laying in bed awake, but wasn't ready to get up.

He comes into their room and walks over to her side of the bed, whispering. "Are you awake?"

She turns over grinning. "I am. Everything okay?"

"I just wanted to kiss you before I leave." He leaned over to her.

She quickly shot her hand over her mouth. "You can't!"

"Why?!" He was so confused.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet!" She protested.

"Since when have I ever cared?!!" He grinned, pulling her hand away from her face, kissing her for the longest time.

"Mmmmm... you better quit or I'll wanna pull you back in bed with me before the baby wakes up." She grins.

"I love you." He kissed her again.

He left and it was only a few hours and she could hear Barron talking on the baby monitor.

She laid in her bed, smiling, just listening to his sweet little voice. She adored watching his personality blossom.

"Mama?" The sweet boy finally said.

She couldn't turn that down. That melted her to the core. She got up and walked down the hallway.

She opened the nursery door. "Good morning, handsome little man." She picked him up, kissing his cheeks.

She changed his diaper and got him a bottle of milk and they cuddled back up in bed, her favorite thing about the mornings.

While they were cuddling, someone rang the doorbell.

"I guess we have to get up B." She put her robe on and picked him up, carrying him down the stairs.

She opened the door to find a huge bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate waiting on the ground for her.

"Oh! You're daddy is the sweetest man!" She beamed as she collected her things from the floor.

The day went by like any other day for Melania and Barron.

When Donald got home, Barron was still taking a nap.

He walked into the kitchen carrying a bottle of her favorite wine. "Babe?"

She walked around the corner, folding a towel. "Hey, handsome." She smiled.

He wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you." He kisses her several times.

"Thank you for my gifts. I love you so much." She kisses him back. She notices the bottle of wine on the counter. "That's my favorite. What is that for?"

He squeezed her side gently. "Well.... later." He winks.

"Like what?" She bit her lip.

"Well... actually. I have some surprises for you." He kisses her nose.

"Like what?" She was beyond curious.

"You see.... it's Valentine's Day. And Mommy and Daddy need a date night. So... your mom is on the way to watch Barron. We have dinner reservations. Then," he whispers in her ear. "Hotel reservations for two." He grinned.

"Baby, you're the sweetest and I really appreciate it. And I want to go to dinner, but we can't stay out tonight."

"Why, honey?" He asks, rubbing her back.

"We can't leave the baby. He needs us." She informs him.

"Melania, he's almost a year old. He'll be in great hands. Baby, we haven't had a night alone since before he was born. We need it. He'll be fine. I promise." He reassured her.

"But I feel bad." She rubs her head.

"Go take a shower and get ready for dinner. You deserve a break." He kisses her head.

"Are you sure I'm not a bad mom?"

"Melania. You are far from a bad mom. You need a break. You spend every minute with him. Your mom is so excited about caring for him. Go shower!" He smacks her butt and sends her on her way.

She giggles. "Okay. Okay." She walks up the stairs.

After an hour, she walks into the living room in a flirty red dress, dragging a suitcase.

She couldn't help but to grin seeing Donald and Barron cuddled up. "Look at my boys!" She sat down by them.

Barron reached for her and she took him from his daddy. "I'm gonna miss you so much tonight, baby boy." She kisses all over his head.

"Baby, he'll be fine. We'll be back tomorrow morning. He won't even know we're gone." He reassured her again.

"I know but it's still hard. This is the first time I've been away from him." She held him close.

"Give him kisses then he needs to go see Nana or we're gonna be late." Donald looked at his watch.

Melania kissed and hugged Barron for several minutes, then passed him to her mom. "Bye, Barron!"

"Bye bye, Mama!" The boy waved.

Donald grabbed her hand and the suitcase, guiding her out the door.

"Have I told you how dang sexy you look?!" He looks her up and down. "Scrumptious!" He licked his lips.

"You're such a flirt." She beamed as she kisses his cheek. "Thank you for kidnapping me." She really was thankful for the night out.

"I can not wait to get you alone!" He helped her in the car, driving off to their sexy evening awaiting. 

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