Welcome Home

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Donald and Melania absolutely loved married life. They enjoyed it to the fullest. Except when he had to take business trips away. Then they didn't enjoy it so much.

This business was no exception. He had been gone for over 5 days and she was dying for him to come home. She was counting down the hours.

It was past bedtime for their young son, so she tucked him away in his room with the promise of seeing Daddy in the morning.

She finally got a text from him.

Donald- Baby, I'm delayed in Atlanta. I'll be home as soon as I can.

Melania- Hurry up! I miss you!😉

Donald- I miss you too. Trust me. I'm trying.

Melania- Be safe! I love you!❤️

She knew it was going to be another two hours and she was dreading it! Finally she got the anticipated message.

Donald- Babe, I just landed. I'll be home in about 30 minutes.

She could not wait! She changed into his favorite swimsuit that she owns- an all white one piece with a tigers head on it.

She snapped a picture of her torso and posted it on her Twitter. "I'll see you soon, honey. @realdonaldtrump"

He didn't see the tweet because he was so worried about just getting home.

He finally walked through the door and sighed relief. "Honey, I'm home."

"I'm in the kitchen cleaning up Barron's dinner mess." She announced.

"That's where I always find you. The kitchen."

He walked around the corner and was pleasantly surprised to see her walking around in a swim suit. "God! Look at you!"

"Hey, honey!" She wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and his hands immediately go to her waist, and they kiss passionately and deeply.

"I missed you." He says almost breathlessly.

"Welcome home." She winks and kisses his neck.

"Best welcome home ever. I love you."

"I love you too." She tugs on his tie playfully.

He leans in and takes her lips in his own, exploring the territory that is his own.

"Do you know this is my hottest fantasy? Coming home and you're standing in the kitchen wearing hardly anything." He tells her winking.

"You know we have 5 days of lost time that we need to make up for?" She kisses his neck.

"Where's my bouncing baby boy?" He asks looking around the room.

"I sent him to bed. He was moody."

"Perfect." He mutters as he picks her up.

She automatically wraps her legs around his waist and nuzzles into his neck.

"God you make me crazy!" He says as he smacks her butt.

"I haven't done anything!" She giggles.

"No, but missing you is enough to make me crazy. And it doesn't help you were sending me freakin sexy pictures!"

"I love you." She giggles.

"I'm fixin' to show you how much I love you." He says as he lays her back on the bed.

She moans as he tucks on her tiger swimsuit.

After much playing, they cuddle up together.

"That makes up for leaving me for 5 days." Melania giggles as she kisses his cheek.

"I hated every second of it, baby. It was the longest week of my life."

"Let's not do that again anytime soon." She says as she runs her fingers through his hair.

"You're so beautiful, honey." He can't help but rub her smooth, silky skin on her face.

"You're pretty handsome yourself, Mr. Trump." She smiles and kisses his lips tenderly.

"There's no one like you, honey."

"That could be a good or bad thing." She laughs.

"Oh! It's definitely a good thing." He says honestly then pulls her closer to him.

"I love you." She whispers.

He smiles. "I love you too, darling." He leans into her and kisses her lips ever so slowly and tenderly.

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