I Just Want You

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Donald rolls over one morning, extremely early. He could tell from the light leaking in through the curtains that the sun was barely coming up.

He didn't sleep much the night before. In fact, he figured he probably only slept for about two and a half hours.

This was becoming the new norm. Ever since Melania almost completely removed herself from his life about a month ago, he didn't sleep much.

He thought he would eventually adjust to life without her being present, but so far, that had yet to happen.

It was Barron's 17th birthday, and they were suppose to have dinner together as a family for the first time in over 2 weeks.

His heart hurt for his son. He didn't ask for this mess. He hurt for himself. He never thought they would be in this place.

The day drug by and he slowly got himself ready for dinner.. not really knowing what to expect.

Dinner was set to be on a private and secluded patio, just the 3 of them and her parents.

As he walked up, the very first thing he noticed was how absolutely beautiful Melania looked.

She was wearing a gorgeous black lace dress, showing a small hint of her cleavage. Her makeup was flawless and her beautiful brunette hair hung perfectly around her face.

He swallowed hard seeing her, beginning to realize just how much he misses her. This is the longest he's ever gone without kissing her, and all of a sudden the desire to kiss her is almost stronger than his desire to breathe his next breath.

He quickly swallows those feelings down and focuses on Barron. Because it is his day and she wouldn't be sitting at a table with him if it wasn't for Barron's birthday.

"How's school going?" Donald nonchalantly asks the boy.

"I don't know. I haven't been in over 2 weeks." Barron rolls his eyes.

"Oh... why?"

"Mom won't let me go." He explains, rolling his eyes again.

"It's probably for the best. Mothers always know best." He smiles trying to lighten up the awkwardness of the whole meal.

Finally, it's over and her parents wander away with Barron, leaving the estranged couple sitting alone together.

He pushes around at some left over cake on his plate as she texts on her phone, clearly not interested in a conversation.

"Melania?" He asks carefully.

"Yes..." She doesn't even care to look up from her phone.

"Can you please move back in? I'm not asking you to move back into our room, but I miss you guys so much.... I just want us all back in the same place again." He admits honestly.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She continues typing.

As she types, he makes a stunning realization and he swallows hard. "Honey, where are your rings?"

That gets her attention and she quickly puts her phone down. "I've not been wearing them. What's the point? We're basically only married on paper. So why wear the rings? And please just call me by my name."

He starts to feel his blood pressure go up. "What is the point of this?! Only being married on paper?!! Why?! If you want to live your own life, why don't you file for a...." He can't even bring himself to say the word.

"You didn't care about our marriage when you slept with a hooker!!! So why do you care now?!"

"I didn't sleep with her! I've tried to tell you that a thousand times!" He hangs his head.

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