A Playful Weekend

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Donald and Melania had a busy life. Finding the time for each other was definitely a challenge. Romance and intimacy was sparse. They hated it, but they really had no other option.

So they decided to go out of town for the weekend. Completely kid free. Shutting their phones off. Just enjoying each other.

They wanted to go to Maralago. So that's where they went.

Their Maralago estate was beautiful. Their favorite place to be. All 128- rooms were their favorite. They just loved the place.

They arrived and were already soaking in the privacy. No one around.

It took no time for him to be "in the mood" and she could tell it.

"Wanna challenge?" He asks as he kisses her neck.

She knew what he was doing and she was all for it. "If it involves you, than yes."

"Let's see if we can be active in all 128 rooms this weekend. We're here until Monday. That's plenty of time." He continues kissing down her neck as he grabs at her boobs.

"That's only 4 days, baby! That's 32 rooms a day!"

"And there's 24 hours in a day, baby. That's plenty of time, Mrs. Trump."

"We're gonna need like a week to record! What if I get pregnant?!"

"Then I guess we're gonna have a baby." He mummers in her ear.

They were standing in the kitchen and he didn't want to waist any time.

He slowly backed her up to the table and laid her down.

"You're in a hurry." She giggles.

"I haven't had you in a month. Of course I'm in a hurry!"

He started at her feet and pulled her shoes off. Kissing up her leg before slowly pulling her skirt off.

"You have some crazy ideas, Donald John!"

"You won't think they are crazy when you're screaming in pleasure." He winks and ran his hand up her thigh causing her to shiver.

They waisted no time in the dinning room. That was over in a matter of minutes. But she was still breathless.

He whispers in her ear. "One room down, 31 to go." He winks and bites at her earlobe.

"I'm not going to make it. I'm not cut out for this!"

"You'll be fine." He picks her up off the table and carries her to the next room. Which happens to be a guest room.

He is kissing all over her as they walk so she has no clue where they are going.

She felt him lay her down on the bed and she sighed relief. "You're letting me take a nap?"

"Absolutely not." He laughs.

She runs her fingernails into his back as he takes care of her very wicked desire.

They were successful in making their rounds for that day.

She was relieved when she saw their last room was a bathroom, with a tub.

Nice slow and relaxing intimacy. She liked nice and slow.

He filled the tub up and helped her in. "Do you realize this is the last room for the night?"

"I couldn't be happier than ending in a tub. My favorite." She smiles as she leans back against him. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. We needed this alone time." He says as he tenderly kisses her lips.

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